Chapter 32

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As the afternoon wore on, Rave and I started reminiscing more about old times. We pulled out our old photo albums and spent hours laughing at pictures from college parties, road trips, and other memories.

It felt good to get lost down memory lane and take my mind off the wedding stress for a bit. But eventually, my thoughts drifted back to everything left to do. I sighed deeply.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Rave asked, nudging my arm.

I turned to her with a weary smile. "Just feeling overwhelmed again by all the wedding details. So much is riding on this day being perfect."

Rave nodded understandingly. "Well, how about we start tackling the to-do list together? Two sets of eyes are better than one. What's first up after the flowers - the seating chart?"

I exhaled in relief. "Would you mind? I'm terrified I'll accidentally offend someone with the placements."

We got to work mapping out the reception tables. It was a balancing act to consider everyone's relationships and preferences, but having Rave there to bounce ideas off made the task lighter.

Soon we had a rough draft finished. As I examined it, I noticed an odd pattern in one section. "Rave, did you put all the exes together on purpose?"

She gave an innocent shrug. "Figured they'd have fun reminiscing about the good ole days..?"

I couldn't help but laugh, grateful as always for her ability to lift my spirits. Working together, the rest of the to-dos didn't seem so daunting. We spent the rest of the evening brainstorming fun ideas, getting more excited for the big day with each new plan.

By the time Rave headed home, my wedding blues had fully lifted. I knew as long as I had her by my side, I could handle anything that came my way. With her support, Lorenzo and I were going to have the perfect wedding day of our dreams!

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