Chapter 13

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"Ouch," I groaned, my senses returning. "Look, Lindzy." I was relieved. I wasn't dead. I'm alive, but who called my parents? Where is Rave? Where is Lorenzo? Is he okay? Is everything all right?

"Ouch, it hurts," I complained. "It won't hurt anymore, darlin', because I'm here, just like every other time when you needed me. I was there, and now I'm here to look after you." I opened my eyes, wishing that my mom's and Rob's voices were true. Hoping that this voice might not just fade away like another voice into a dream.

She was here, standing beside me, holding my right hand, squeezing slightly, reassuring me that it was not a dream. I smiled back at her and Rob. They looked so beautiful together. I was happy to see them together but somewhere deep down i wished Dad were here with us right now. I miss him a lot. "Mom, where is Rave? Who called you guys?"

"Lynn, Rave called me and told me everything about how you fell off the stairs and hurt your head. I know it wasn't your fault because the floors were just swept, and you didn't realize. And, yeah, I have good news for you. Though I wanted to tell you when we get back home, but I just can't keep it to myself anymore. So behold. Take a deep breath."

"Oh, Mom, please no dramas, and straight to the point. I'm so curious." Thank God Rave didn't say what happened on the scene. I didn't want my parents to bother a lot about my well-being. It's high time and I can pull my shit together. "Oh, girl, okay, let me tell you. Your mom and I are engaged." "Wait, I can't say what I'm feeling. I'm feeling an ocean of emotions. I am so so happy for you guys." I was so happy for them. They deserved each other.

Mom showed me the diamond ring. It was magnificent. It was a perfect fit and looked stunning. The door opened, and a girl came in whom I owe more than my life. "Hi, Lynn, it's so good to see you. Doctors told me you are good to go, so you will be discharged by this evening. And for you guys," she pointed at Mom and Rob, "I have booked tonight's football match and a dinner date, so that you guys can enjoy the city and each other's company, and till then, I'm going to be in charge of Ms. Bestie."

"Oh, Rave, you didn't have to do so much for us." "Yes, I agree," said Rob. "Come on, little lovebirds, I can feel the love in the air, so no dramas, as Lynn said, and enjoy. I have ordered a dress for both of you. It will be delivered to your hotels soon."

"Okay, then we should leave as Rave is insisting, and then I have to impress your mom today," he said, winking at me and getting a slap on the shoulders from a blushing hot woman who seemed to be my mom. "You need to be romantic and good in bed to impress Mom." I winked back. "Oh gosh, you guys are making me feel embarrassed, and I think Rob and I should leave before it turns too awkward for me to stand, and well, I think Rave should leave too because Prince Charming seems to be growing more restless and furious than before," she pointed towards the door.

A guy was pacing up and down the hallway, and to my sudden surprise, it was Lorenzo. Mom and Rob hugged me, gave me a slight kiss, and left holding each other's hand. They looked too good to be true. "Now, Rave, before you run away, I want to thank you for not telling Mom what really happened."

"Darling, that's what BFFs are for, but babe, I was pretty damn scared. I need to know everything, but definitely not now. You need rest. Just remember that I'm always here to help you. Lorenzo is waiting, and he wants to meet you. He has been visiting you for the past two days, sitting and shedding his tears, waiting for you to wake up, but you didn't. Let him explain, and trust me, if he behaves badly or rudely, call me up to kick his ass. I have to go home because I have a life-changing business meeting in the evening. I promise to get back to you at night."

I smiled at her. "You can go, babe. I can handle him. He has a tough body, I agree, but from what I know about him, I can kick his ass myself if he crosses his limits or pisses me off." We laughed in chorus. She opened the door, smiled at Lorenzo, and left. It was an empty hospital corridor. Only we were here. The suddenly noisy place had turned silent. There was so much noise in that silence that it hurt me.

He was there, and I was here, separated by the glass door. He opened the door, looked at me, guilt in his eyes, that cocky attitude gone. He walks in closing the door behind him. His head hung down and maybe he was finding it difficult to say what he wanted to.  I was trying my best to stop myself from hugging him and making a fool out of me where he doesn't want me in the first place. He wanted to have just sex and that's it and I'm here having all sorts of emotions for him. I didn't want to look at him after what he did to me but somewhere deep down I felt like hearing his reasons. He walked up beside my bed and sat on the stool. The same one where he sat. A"Hey, Lynn. I'm really sorry for what happened. It wasn't supposed to be like that. I just wanted to talk to you, and things got out of hand. I never wanted to hurt you."

I wanted to say it was okay but part of me still had unfiltered hatred for his actions and how he made our love-making look like a one time thing. "You think by simply saying sorry everything will go back to how it was? Is this some kind of joke. You think you can use me and throw me and if needed re-use me? ." His eyes started running down and he simply got up and started walking towards the door. He should be ashamed of what he did. As he was about to leave I suddenly felt maybe it's not the right time to argue. I can give him one more chance. "It's okay, Lorenzo. I forgive you. I'm just glad you're here." I smiled at him, feeling a weight lifted off my chest. He couldn't believe what he heard. He ran rushing towards me and kissed me as if that was the only thing making him survive. His lips were soft and it felt like I was for the very first time kissing him. He was gentle on me. His tongue pierced my lips and invaded my mouth. His tongue licked on every side of my mouth until he was sucking on my tongue. He sat on the stool and we talked for a while, catching up on everything that had happened in the past week. It was good to have him back in my life, even if it was just as a friend or maybe more. I should rather not over analysis this part of us. I have a lot to deal with especially when he's back in town.

As the day drew to a close, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. I had my family, my best friend Rave, and even Lorenzo back in my life. I knew that everything was going to be okay, and that I could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a smile on my face, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, happy and at peace but what if he takes away everything from me once again?

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