Chapter 2

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It took me 5 minutes to reach Starbucks. I ordered a double chocolate chip frappuccino and then returned to my hotel .  I started offloading my bag and arranging my cabinet. Among the dresses, I found Mom has given her favourite white one-shoulder top and black pencil skirt and a pink note kept under them. I opened it to read what was inside it. It says...

Dear Lynn,
                A lot can be revised in a year. A year from now you could be a different individual. So, look at yourself. What don't you like? What can you do about those things? Take authority over your life, and use the successive year to become the individual you want to be. When I was 5, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Do you know what I wrote? I wrote down "HAPPY". They told me I didn't figure out the assignment and I told them they didn't figure out life. So always be happy at your tricky times too. See what makes you happy because that's all you ought to accomplish; rests are on their way. Relish your life and don't forget your mom.

Indeed, I have no idea why Mom always makes me emotional. She means so much to me. I took out my phone and texted Mom.
Dear Lindsey,
                 Mom, I arrived a lot earlier. I was too exhausted so I took a shower, went for a walk, had coffee and then read your sweet letter. Thank you Mom a lot for everything.

I kept my phone aside and arranged for all the papers I need tomorrow for an on spot quick interview session when I saw a polythene plastic and to my utter wonder it was a packet of condoms and I knew the saint behind this deed. Rave is my best friend and she is the only one behind this unpleasant job. No one else could think of sending me a packet of condoms.
                       Time surely runs marathons when you have a to-do list. While settling the room, it almost took my whole afternoon and evening and I had forgot to eat. It's almost 9 o'clock and I'm fried with starvation. I went to the lobby and luckily it was still open and loaded with food. I picked up some food for myself. The food was certainly appetizing. I went to the bar side and found a brunette. I smiled up at her. " What's your killer?", she asked. “Cosmopolitan will do. " She filled a glass with cosmopolitan and passed it to me. I took a sip and looked towards my right. A man came up and sat on the stool beside me. He looked up at me and grinned. Oh my god, the smile can surely be the reason for someone's heart attack. I smiled at him. He ordered whisky and started having it.
                  I have lost count but I think I have completed ten and I am feeling a little hung over. Cosmopolitan making me hung over. Gosh, I don’t remember the last time such a drink made me high. I don't know why but it just happened. The man was still sitting beside me and was gazing at me. "Hey, have I told you that you have a killer smile?" I pointed at him. He was trying to stop his chuckle. " How dare you laugh at me?", I asked. "No, I'm not", he said squaring his shoulder and trying his best to stop his chuckling. I stood up but my knees are shuddering a lot. I still attempted to walk but I stumbled over and luckily someone hold me from behind and stopped me from coming down flat on my face. "Gosh, I am so clumsy when I am tipsy." I turned to thank them and saw the same man who was sitting beside me. "Thank you, Mr Killer Smile”. I was about to make a move when he said, "I don't think you will be able to reach your room without making accidents. I'll take you to your room. What's your room number?". I bit my lip and didn't feel correct to say to a stranger my room number. I can't trust him. He might be a serial killer or a thief. "Stop biting your lip", he whispers making my hair stand. "I can't trust you; you might have harmful intentions?", I said lifting my brow.
                       "No, I'm not the person you are picturing me as. You are safe with me. Trust me." That's the only thing I have stopped doing to any man since the incident with Ryan.
“38”. We took the elevator. He clicked 5 and 3. He might live on the top floor or might be a guest as in who cares. We reached my floor. My room is just two steps from the elevator. I took out my keys from my purse but my hands are fumbling. On seeing me struggle to open the door he took the key from my hands and opened the door for me. I stepped in, kept my purse on the table beside the door and thanked him once again. " My delight. Have a good night ". You too. and then he walks away and I close the door shut. " Good night Mr Killer Smile". 

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