Chapter 20

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As I strutted into the office with determination oozing from every pore, I made up my damn mind to shut out the gossipy whispers circling around like a swarm of mosquitoes. Those rumors about my damn relationship with Lorenzo weren't gonna distract me from kicking some serious work ass!

But hold the friggin' phone! Lorenzo's missing from the scene today. What the actual hell? My heart sank, guilt gnawing at my soul, wondering if Lorenzo was avoiding me, scared of the torment that the swirling rumors brought. Way to complicate my life, universe!

Tick-tock, the damn clock just can't chill, and suddenly, the fairground adventure with Scar is upon us. Buckle up, baby, 'cause we're not just talking cotton candy and carousel rides. We're diving straight into the exhilarating world of mother flippin' roller coasters! As we soared through the twists and turns, screams of excitement and laughter left our lips.

Once the adrenaline settled, Scar turns to me, grinning like a smug cat who just devoured a goddamn canary. Now bring on the cheesy dialogue, 'cause here it comes, with a side of romantic tension and heart-fluttering confessions.

"That was mind-blowing, Lynn! What's next on your kick-ass fairground agenda?" Scar asks, a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

I scan the fairgrounds, my heart pounding in anticipation, before landing my gaze on the Ferris wheel, beckoning us with its majestic presence. "How 'bout we conquer that Ferris wheel, Scar?"

Her eyes light up, and we make our way towards it, destined to reach greater heights. As we ascend, the air becomes charged with anticipation, and suddenly, Scar's arm wraps around me, tugging at the strings of my senses. Sweet Jesus, is this the moment?!

With the world beneath our feet, Scar drops a bomb that hits me like a freight train flying off the rails. "Lynn, I've been harboring a secret crush on your fabulous self. Like a damn moth to a flaming hot fire, I can't resist it anymore."

A blush spreads like wildfire across my cheeks, my heart thudding against my ribcage like a wild caged beast. "You... you had a crush on me? Why didn't you frickin' say anything, Scar?"

She smirks playfully, the devilish gleam in her eyes fueling the flames of desire. "Well, darlin', actions speak louder than words. And I'm hoping we can explore this electrifying chemistry between us, one hell of a ride at a time."

As the Ferris wheel carries us higher, conversations flow like a river bursting its banks, revealing our passions, dreams, and mutual interests. Scar's an artistic soul, with a wanderlust for travel, while I find solace in my work and devouring books like a bibliophile on a feeding frenzy.

From bumper cars for a dose of harmless chaos to the giant swing that has us screaming our lungs out with electrifying thrill, we become each other's partner-in-crime, carving memories that will last a lifetime.

But hold your frickin' horses, the drama ain't taking a backseat just yet! As we head to the restaurant for a much-needed dinner break, a familiar face catches Scar's sharp, inquisitive gaze. It's Lorenzo, but wait, he's with a stunning girl who could easily light up a friggin' room.

Scar, never one to shy away from causing a stir, leads me straight over to the dynamic duo, introducing me to Lorenzo's sister, Maria. Dark hair, sparkling brown eyes, and the uncanny resemblance to Lorenzo. Holy mother of clichés, we have ourselves a goddamn love triangle brewing!

With uncertainty prickling the air, I greet Maria with a gracious smile, the eagerness to unravel this tangled web of connections palpable. But deep inside, butterflies dance a friggin' salsa in my stomach. And goddamn, why does Maria have to be so attractive? It's unfair, universe!

As we all sit down at the table, conversation flows like a cascading waterfall. I discover common interests with the enchanting Maria like a goddamn detective piecing together clues. We both find solace in bookish adventures, enjoy trekking through nature's embrace, and share a burning passion for lending a helping hand.

And just like that, the universe plays its twisted game of irony, intertwining the threads of our lives like a master puppeteer. Scar shoots a question like an arrow on fire. "So, Maria, what do you do?"

Maria's voice, laced with pride, echoes through the air. "I'm a nurse, devoted to the local hospital, and I also volunteer at a few different charities in my free time.

After a heartfelt dinner and connecting with Lorenzo's sister, Maria, I decided it was time to set things right with Lorenzo himself. As our paths crossed in the shimmering moonlight, I couldn't ignore the uneasy feeling that had settled deep within my gut. It was time to confront my mistakes and make amends, no matter how terrifying it felt.

Summoning every ounce of courage within me, I approached Lorenzo with a heavy heart, my voice shaking ever so slightly. I bared my soul, confessing my wrongdoing, the hurtful way I had treated him in the past, and the burning desire to start anew.

His expression softened, a glimmer of relief and forgiveness dancing in his eyes. "Lynn, I'm glad you finally see the error of your ways. I've longed for a fresh start between us too."

As we embraced, a sense of serenity washed over me. In that moment, I let go of the burden of resentment, ready to ignite a flame of understanding and growth in our relationship.

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