Chapter 4

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        I can't sleep. I have been trying to sleep from 12 am that's the midnight we refer it to be and it's 3 am and I am still gaping at the ceiling. I can't stop thinking about him. He has his way with words. He just referred me sweetheart and I'm blushing like a teen. He doesn't worth a girl like me. He is worth someone far better than me. I'm just any mere girl and there's nothing extraordinary in me. Maybe he has someone better and special. Why am I chasing him? He is just a stranger and flirting for a joke. Isn't that what all men do. Flirt for just a joke and nothing serious. Oh god, I can't stop thinking about him. I should go to the park near my hotel and freshen up my mind or else it would be very difficult for me to go office tomorrow and work on those piles of files.

       The road is empty. Everything was so calm. The sky was black and stars were the correct items to decorate the night sky.  The park was opened and no one was there. Of course who will be in a park at 3 am. Not everyone is crazy like me overanalyzing an insignificant situation. There were a few benches under the shady trees and I thought of sitting there. I can't stop gazing at the twinkling sky and this moment is just so heavenly.  Every moment of my life flashes in my inward eye as soon as I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and suddenly wiped my tears. I don't know why but I am missing everyone.
                          " You can't skip chapters, that's not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it and you might cry for weeks but you have to keep going. Life is just like a storybook and that doesn't mean to be like a fairy tale but it can be one among those which reads captions as Carry tissue papers while reading ", he said. I looked up to find that it was Lorenzo who was saying it and he was standing beside me and giving me an assuring smile. Maybe that's all i needed. An assuring smile for my disturbed thoughts. I don't know what he is doing at 3 am in this park. 

Will you mind if I ask you something? I asked. " Never! go on", he said and winked. Why are you here in this park at 3 am? Are you stalking me? , I asked him with suspicion. " No, I am not. Actually, I am not feeling sleepy and when I usually feel the same, I come here and sit on this bench and spend my time alone and feel so good. But why are you here?" he asked. I was feeling restless and couldn't sleep so I showed up. Why are you standing? please sit, I said gesturing for him to sit beside me. He complied and we sat together. He sat close to me. Not hesitating enough to maintain space between us. His knees touched mine and I could feel his warm breath.
  We sat there and I feel so safe with him. I don't know why but it feels like I had known him for ages. Can I ask you one more question, please? I asked him. He looked at me and oh no please no and it's again that smile.  " Very curious. Okay ma'am; let's do one thing. Ask me whatever questions come into that head of yours and I'll answer and I won't mind. Now say the first question. I'm prepared to bounce back. Where do you stay? "Um you know where. I reside in the hotel where you are staying’ and I own that hotel”.So, you are a hotel manager? "Um not really. I am not a hotel manager. I just own this hotel. So you can consider me as the owner of the hotel ". So, tell me something about you. "Well, I'm from Miami. I have one sister and one brother. I was always a workaholic and I shifted to Washington in search of a job. Well, I inherited a lot of wealth after my grandma's demise and then my parents forced me to marry someone because that was grandma's last wish; to see me married and have a happily ever after. So, I had an arranged marriage. "
            Holy shit. This extremely sexy handsome man is married. I was right. He couldn't be single. He's too out of reach , already accepted by someone else kind of a man. I'm just a mere nobody. Of course he  has someone he's worth .. If he is married then I should steer clear away from him. I don't want anyone's man. I am not that type. What the hell was I thinking?  He coughed and I was snapped out of my thoughts. So, you are a married man and you are leading a happy life? "No this was the trailer. There's a lot left. You have to be patient enough to know me entirely if that's something you have planned to do right now. So, I used to be very busy with my work here and one day I cancelled my dinner with my wife and told her I might be late. I was late and I had an extra key which she didn't know. I got into my room thinking she might have drifted off to sleep only to  found her fucking another man on our bed. I was so pissed I asked her to leave. She was persistent in staying back but every time she tried to convince me the flashback of her riding another man's dick came back to me and I didn't like its taste at all.  After that incident, I send her a divorce letter. She wasn't agreeing to divorce but luckily my lawyer won and she gave me a  divorce so I'm not leading a completely happy life. It's true I miss her and I miss our early days of marriage but let's just say I'm an unlucky man."
         Let's get back to the hotel. I think the sun will rise in any second." Ya, let's get back."
                             We got in the elevator and the door closed. In split seconds we were on our floor. He walked with me towards my room as he kept doing since our first meeting. I could feel that I have upset him more and that I shouldn't have gone that far ..

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