Chapter 4.

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"As I walked into class, I saw Damien, Jeremy, and Taylor talking together again. Their presence made me feel as if I was being stabbed back, even though we had not yet officially met. I knew that they disliked me for some reason.

As Damien glared at me before chuckling with an air of disdain and quickly looking away, I felt angry and consumed me. Despite the intimidating presence of our professor, I stormed towards them, each step echoing with a palpable fury. With fierce determination in my eyes and a tight grip on my fists, I turned to Damien, my voice low, and menacing.

'This ends today. You cannot keep treating me like this anymore. I won't stand for it. I have had enough.'

His expression softened, for a brief moment, and he seemed to understand. He glanced away before nodding slowly, his eyes lingering on me for a few seconds before looking away. Jeremy and Taylor were taken aback, but they did not speak a word.

As I walked away, I heard the sound of their hushed whispers trailing behind me. I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that I had successfully stood up for myself. Even though I still did not understand why they disliked me, I was glad that I had finally put an end to this.

" I asked, but he only sneered, his gaze burning through me. Fear began to gnaw at me, though I tried to hide it, my voice wavering and unsure. I felt my heart racing, my hands shaking, and I knew I had to get away quickly in order to keep my composure.

"I'm leaving," I declared, trying to sound strong, though my knees were weak and my stomach was churning. I walked away, my voice still echoing in the hallway, cutting through the silence like a knife. Despite my fear, I was determined to stand up for myself and not let anyone else push me around.

I knew I had to gather my courage and confront Damien, no matter what the cost. I steeled my nerve, determined not to back down, and marched back into the hall, my voice ringing clear. Damien's angry glare was still locked on me, but I forced myself to look away and speak.

"No matter what you say or do, you can't break my will," I declared, my voice shaking the very walls of the corridor. He opened his mouth to respond, but I didn't give him the chance. I walked away, with my head held high, and left the hall with a newfound strength.

My voice echoed through the empty corridor, a reminder of my courage and resilience against all odds. My voice was a beacon of hope, cutting through the darkness, and I vowed never to be silenced. My voice was cold and hard as I spoke, his name dripping with venom.

"Damien, how could you do this? How could you turn your back on me?" He was taken aback by my words and stammered for an explanation. But nothing he said mattered anymore.

I was done with him and his lies. The look on his face showed he knew it was over. With one last look, his grip on me loosened and I walked away.

The night air was heavy with sorrow, and all I wanted to do was get as far away from him as possible. I made my way down the deserted streets, each step full of determination. I was determined to never feel this pain again.

As I glanced back for one final glimpse of him, I could feel the anger burning inside me, giving me strength to move forward. I knew that I was done with Damien and his lies and I was determined to make sure that I never let anyone hurt me like this again. As I clung to my seat, I prayed that my curiosity would not lead me to my demise.

The car tires crunched the gravel beneath as we pulled into a clearing. Damien's eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight, as if they were searching for something. I almost expected him to say something, but he stayed silent, his eyes never leaving mine. It felt like an eternity as I sat, waiting for what was to come next.

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