Chapter 20.

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James was aware that it was irrational to challenge Katelyn's will a second time, considering the intense suffering she had already gone through. He did not realize that I had planned to surprise him. Until Katelyn left for work, I waited in anticipation of retaliation.

When I was given the chance, I rushed directly to his hotel room and knocked three times in rapid succession, until he finally opened the door. The surprise on James’s face was unmistakable: he believed Katelyn had returned to him even though their marriage was finished. With a commanding voice, I spoke before he could even say, 'We need to talk about Katelyn's unwavering harassment.

Do you not comprehend that she wants nothing from you other than divorce? This ends here.' Damien, don't you comprehend what he has done to her numerous times?

I was taken back in his words. He may have mistreated her in the past, James, but I am different - she has no desire to do anything else with you. Have you ever thought that maybe she finally had enough to be disrespected and abused?

James, your behavior towards Katelyn has been cowardly and dishonorable. This caused her to flee to a different state out of fear. This was the last opportunity.

If I find that you have come near her again, there will be consequences that you cannot avoid.

James, are you threatening me? I am making it perfectly clear that if you come near her again, there will be severe repercussions.

I will not allow any further interference; she needs to be left alone so she can have a sense of calmness. I am not simply speaking in vain; you will face the full force of the law if you disobey my warnings. Turning to face James, I roared, “If I find you near her again, I swear on my life that you will suffer the consequences!” His arm shot up in the air, and a single finger pointed directly at me in defiance.

Unfazed, I spun on my heels and marched towards Katelyn’s classroom. With each step, I feared that James would get to her before me and told her that I had been to see him. I had to tell her the truth quickly.

My heart raced, as I watched the door of the economics classroom, counting down the seconds until she arrived.

Sweat beaded my face, and I could barely contain the anticipation bubbling inside me as the flames blazed higher and higher. In the blink of the eye, she stood doorway. Her mini-skirt clung to her curves, her tank top showcased her toned arms, and the flats gave her a determinate look.

Her hair was curled to perfection, half up and half down, swaying with every movement she had made. She looked stunned and breathed away. When I saw her approaching me, I was nervous and unsure how to begin the conversation I knew needed to occur.

worry was clear in her eyes, as if she was expecting the worst. I spoke the words, 'Hello Katelyn,' before pausing for a moment and then saying something that would alter our lives forever - 'We need to talk after class.' Her ex-husband was horrendous to her, and Katelyn was entirely justified in ending the relationship.

He did not deserve her the slightest. I felt a powerful sensation when I heard that he was unhappy with Katelyn and I were together. As soon as the professor concluded the lecture, I saw the Katelyn storm out of my schoolyard.

'Katelyn! Stop!' I shouted as I began to run, grabbing her arm as she spun around in shock. The look at her face was telling - fear, confusion, and bewilderment - and I knew immediately what she was thinking before she could express it. 'Katelyn, I'm not leaving you,' I said, feeling her body relax a bit.

'But Damien...what is this about? You didn't...did you?' She softly implored me with her eyes.

'I met with James yesterday morning,' I reluctantly admitted. 'That's why I wasn't in bed when you woke up.' My words lingered in the air as signs of impending danger.

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