Chapter 8.

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The moment I stepped foot into the economics classroom, my eyes instantly met with Damien's. His intense gaze pierced me, and I felt like my heart sank. I had to come clean about Tyler and myself, but I feared the repercussions.

This man had much control over me, and I wanted to keep him with me for as long as possible, even if it meant burying this information. As the class ended, I could not help but anticipate a conversation that would soon take place. The minutes felt eternity until the professor finally dismissed us.

As everyone left, Damien approached me with a look at hurt in his eyes, almost knowing how I would respond. I nervously led us to a quiet corner in the hallway and we sat down. My heart raced and I took a deep breath before finally telling him, 'Damien, there's something I need to tell you.'

He looked at me, understood his eyes, and waited for me to continue. 'I'm sorry, I've been seeing someone else - Tyler.' The pain was evident on his face, as he realized what was happening again.

Damien's eyes brimmed with tears as he asked, his voice raspy, 'How long has this been going on?' I replied quietly, 'A few weeks now.' I was painfully aware that my words only increased his despair.

'I'm truly sorry, Damien,' I uttered. 'What I did was wrong, and I see that.' His stare pierced as he jumped into his feet. 'You don't need to apologize to me, Katelyn,' he spat.

'You never cared about me or my feelings. You only wanted to use me for your own gain and had no intention of being faithful or honest.' I wanted to fire, but I held my tongue.

'Damien,' I said firmly, 'it takes two to tango and both of us were unwilling to compromise. We decided to keep things strictly platonic and it stayed that way." He snickered and his mouth curled into a smirk as he walked away from me. My heart sank as I watched him.

'Wait!' I yelled desperately, my voice reverberated through the deserted street. 'I'm sorry for my actions,' I continued, taking a step forward towards Damien. 'I know you may not want to forgive me, but I'm hoping I can make it up to you somehow.'

Damien paused and spun around to look at me. His eyes were emotionless and his face was impassive. 'How do you expect to do that?' he inquired.

I braced myself as he spoke in a gruff voice. Taking a deep breath, I laid my shaking hand on his shoulder and looked at his eyes. "Let's start by being honest," I said resolutely.

"My behavior was inexcusable and I shouldn't have done it, but I'm willing to work hard to restore our trust and friendship if you can give me another chance." He scrutinized me silently for what I felt like an eternity, as I stood anxiously and uncertain of his response. After a brief moment of emotion displayed on his face, Damien spoke softly, saying, 'Alright, we can try this.'

I was overcome with joy in his words, and tears of joy flowed down my cheek. I thank him profusely, and he gave me a small nod before turning away. We both knew that something had to change, and I stood alone in the night air, feeling the weight of that realization.

Damien suddenly spoke with a seriousness that shook me to the core. His words were quiet but urgent. 'I think we need to take a break,' he said. I nodded with a heavy heart in my agreement.

'I understand,' I replied, my voice barely audible. I watched him as he walked away, and it felt like a heavy blanket of sorrow had been draped over me. I tried to give Damien the time and space he needed, but with each passing day, my sense of loss and fear only seemed to grow.

Every time we saw each other, the longing in my chest intensified. One night, we were alone in his apartment and had come over to watch a movie. However, as the credits began to roll, the atmosphere around us was thick, with unspoken emotions and a deep sorrow for something that felt impossible.

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