Chapter 15.

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The last few weeks felt like eternity, and I felt like I could not breathe. However, no matter how difficult I tried to avoid Tyler and Damien, destiny always seemed to find a way to bring us together. Everywhere I went, I was reminded of them and the tough decisions I had to make.

My heart was aching, and I felt like it was being torn in two, as time seemed to drag on. This agony continued to worsen until I could no longer take it. Tyler, you could never understand the pain I was experiencing.

Do not think that I am unaware of the emotional consequences of this situation. Every time I witness one I adore in another's arms, it feels like a thousand daggers of anguish piercing my hearts. The bile in my throat rises as I watch you being with someone who has never truly valued you, not even the slightest bit.

My rage boils as my vision blurs. Through gritted teeth, I remember those moments when I was there to piece you back together after he had left you broken, while he sat back and enjoyed his own mediocrity. It is like I am pushed away until he does something stupid, and then suddenly everyone turns to me.

It is maddening; it hurts more than anything else in this wretched world. So, here is a newsflash, darling: he does not deserve you. You are worth more than he can ever give you, but for some reason, your love for him is blind, deaf, or mute.

Still, here I am watching from afar, consumed with fury at the unfairness of it all. And yet... I do not seem to look away. The sight of you two together is like a car crash--it is horrible and gruesome, yet I am inexplicably captivated by it.

Katelyn: As I looked at Tyler's shattered expression, my heart was attached to my chest. A wave of guilt swept through me, like a tsunami, knowing that I had caused this agony. If I had truly cared about him, I would not have had such difficulty in deciding between us, nor would I have allowed us both into my bed the other night without any hesitation; these truths were evident to everyone.

I grabbed the hold of Tyler's arm, as he attempted to leave and spun him around to face me. The attraction between us was so intense that the atmosphere seemed to ignite our passion. He started to apologize, but all I could think about tearing off his clothes and claiming him to be my own.

My craving for him was so strong that it overwhelmed my hearts and minds. The frustration I felt was bubbling inside me, and I wondered how much longer I could resist before I gave it in. Suddenly, I took him by surprise and pushed him onto a kitchen counter, and our clothes flying as his boxers remained.

His manhood was pulsing against a hard, cold marble countertop, and I stepped back a couple of feet. Our eyes were locked with a burning passion, as if an electric force were drawing us together. I began to unbutton my shirt, tantalizing him with each click and desperately trying to get closer to me.

Just before I opened my shirt, my strong grip on my arm stopped me. "Katelyn, wait. You're not going to turn your back on me like this."

When I faced him, I met with a stare that was void of any emotions. It was a look that he had been attempting to portray for weeks, but had never managed to perfect. "Despite the overwhelming emotion I felt, I worked hard to remain composed as I looked into the eyes of the man who had been my best friend for over a decade.

"Tyler... I love you. You know that. I want nothing more than you to be happy. I understand that you may not feel the same way about me, but I cannot promise that I cannot keep.

If you truly want me to be happy, you will listen to me and accept that it is for the best. You will find someone who will love you for everything they have. All you need to do is be patient and let me go."

My voice cracked, as I spoke, and a single tear rolled down my cheek, but I stayed strong and finished my words. "When that special girl comes into your life, you will know." I had to hold back the lump in my throat before I could finish telling him what I had to say. "She knocked the breath out of you, Tyler.

you will know when you find her; you will know that she's the one you were meant to be with. And if you're lucky, she'll be the one to make you whole, and make you happy." I closed the door behind me as I walked away into the night, my tears streaming down my face.

I could not bear to look back at the house, knowing that if I did, I would see him. So, I continued on my way, my heart heavy with the knowledge that this was the decision I had to make, and it would mean that he would be gone from my life forever. I knew that if I saw him standing there and imploring me not to go, I would not have been able to leave.

I heard a voice say. I had to leave Tyler, even though it was the most difficult thing I could do. I got into my car and started driving, with no clue about where I was going. I knew that there was no other option.

As I drove, I could not help but think about all the wonderful times we had together - sitting on the beach, walking along the pier, hearing his jokes, crying together when Liz passed away. I remembered the way he looked at me as I entered his house, how he touched my cheek, and told me that I was beautiful. I could not help but to recall all the small details - the flowers he bought me, the phone calls, the kisses, and the fights.

Although I knew I'd never forget those memories, I still felt a pang of sadness when I realized that they were all I had left him. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed the number I knew. After the two rings, I heard a voice at the other end. 'Hello?'

The soft, yet labored sound of Damien's voice alerted me to the fact that he had been crying. Chills ran down my spine, as I felt a wave of fear encompassing me. I tried to keep my voice steady as I uttered, "We should talk later." However, Damien was his usual arrogant self, oblivious to the situation at hand.

As I hung up, I was overcome by a feeling of relief, as if I had just narrowly escaped the dire outcome. Little did I know; this was the only beginning. I glanced at my watch and my heart sank, as I realized I had to act fast or else the consequences would be dire.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself to a difficult task ahead. Time was running out, but I was ready to tackle whatever came my way.

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