Chapter 5.

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I could feel the electricity between us, a connection so strong that it seemed like we had known each other for years, even though we had just met. The previous night had dramatically altered my life. As I strolled through the city streets in the dawn's early morning light, I sensed Damien's aura enveloping me.

The recollections of our frenzied night still gave me goosebumps, as I attempted to comprehend what I had experienced and felt. Suddenly, I tripped and as I struggled to regain my balance, I watched in dismay as my purse tumbled to the ground, its contents spilling out onto the pavement. Panicked, I scrambled to gather my belongings when an imposing figure appeared before me.

His deep-set eyes framed by a strong jawline were filled with warmth and kindness and his friendly smile made my heart race faster than I had ever before. Our eyes met and I felt a powerful wave of emotion that left me feeling as if my soul had melted. The connection between us was electric, as if we had known each other for years, even though we had just met that morning.

I was certain that I had been nearly forgotten by Tyler. But then, as if a miracle, he made eye contact with me. A faint smile played at the corner of his lips, and it seemed like the entire world had suddenly melted away. For an instant, I felt like I was floating on the clouds.

His light brown eyes sent a spark that lingered in my mind, serving as a reminder that no encounter could ever match the fervor of this moment. I wanted to stay in this moment forever, but unfortunately, just as quickly as we had met, he was gone. He had a mission, a destination, and I was left with an unanswered question from God.

What was the purpose of this brief, yet powerful interaction? Was it to encourage me? To remind me that I was not forgotten? Or perhaps to test my faith and courage?

I will never know for sure, but I will always cherish that moment and the lessons that it taught me. My anger surged as I left, and I found myself questioning why I was so mad. What was I so angry about?

She had done nothing wrong. In fact, she had asked a perfectly innocent question that I should have expected. And yet, I was so angry that I wanted to lash out at her.

I felt so stupid for my lack of control and my inability to handle a simple situation. I took a few deep breaths and tried to separate my feelings from the situation. It was then that I realized that my anger was based more on my own insecurities.

I felt threatened by the fact that Tyler was the nerdy girl I mentioned, and I was worried that I wouldn't measure up to her. I was embarrassed that I was so easily provoked and felt ashamed that I had reacted in such an angry and irrational way. I gathered my thoughts and eventually returned to the group.

I apologized and tried to explain my reaction, but I'm not sure if they fully understood. I knew that it was important to recognize my feelings, so I kept my emotions in check and moved on. Melanie then possessively draped her arm around him, making me seethe with anger.

I had been watching the interaction between Tyler and Katelyn from a booth at the restaurant and could tell that they had a connection that transcended my understanding. At that moment, I heard that the same blonde from the booth had belittled me as a 'nerd,' assuming that I wanted Tyler for myself. Despite feeling the urge to lose my cool, I summoned all my strengths and let out a hearty laugh, drawing the attention of Morgan, who responded by flipping me off.

The sight of another woman's jealousy towards someone they barely knew made me happiest. I knew that I wasn't the one that Tyler was meant to be with, but it still gave me a small sense of joy to see someone else fall for him. I smiled to myself as I watched Tyler and Katelyn walk away, arm in arm, their souls connected by an invisible bond.

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