Chapter 17.

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In the past year, my heart was attached to and pleaded to be with Damien. Yet, Tyler's presence distracted me from the love I had been yearning for. When Damien saw me slip away, he reclaimed what was once his. My soul held onto him tightly, never wanting to let go of the bond that we shared.

I am always overjoyed when I am at Damien's company, making me certain that he is my destiny. However, Tyler's constant presence in my mind doubts me: My resolve begins to waver as I am pulled in multiple directions, unsure of which path to take. Suddenly, I realized the mistake I had made and was inundated with regret.

The confusion and turmoil within me intensify until I feel I will not be able to escape the dilemma. From the moment I chose Damien, or perhaps even before, with Tyler, my life was on the path to destruction. I can feel both tugging at my heartstrings, yet I am unable to control the situation.

I am forced to carry this conflicting love, like a heavy burden. I was faced with the daunting task of discussing a difficult topic with Damien, who was not affected by the strong connections we had during our intimate times. I had to remain composed and focus on the issue at hand, despite the pleasurable nature of our physical encounters.

I hesitantly sent a message to Damien asking him to come to my house after work. I was aware that his temper was short, and I worried that he might misinterpret my message and become angry. My heart was pounding as I continued on my way, filled with the fear of the unknown.

Damien carries the weight for both of us, but I can't be freed from the emotional damage that will always exist between us. Dear Katelyn, My body trembled with anticipation as I counted down the seconds until our scheduled 6pm meeting. A mixture of emotions ran through excitement and fear, and I felt certain that this would be our last encounter.

I paced anxiously and felt my heart was thumping in my chest. My muscles were tense and I struggled to stay in one place. Then, a knock at the door brought the moment of truth, and it felt like weight had descended upon me.

I had to fight the urge to rush to the door, and instead took careful, measured steps to answer it. As I opened the door, my jaw dropped at the sight of him, standing there. His tank top clung to his muscular physique and contrasted with the inky black tattoos snaking his arms. His jeans hung low from his waist, further emphasizing his perfect body and making me wonder if he had done it to entice me.

The loud thud of the door closing behind me sent a chill down my spine and made every nerve in my body go on alert. He tentatively stepped inside, trembling as I made my way to the kitchen. The sound of his heavy boots thudding with each step reverberated throughout the room; my hands shake as I unsteadily opened the cupboard and grabbed a glass.

Upon seeing my beloved pink Shardinae, I spun around to face him only to suddenly feel a chill running through my veins when I locked eyes with his burning gaze--like he wanted to consume me. His lips parted slightly and he spoke in a deep, husky voice, "What? Nothing.

I just can't seem to get enough of your beauty." My cheeks flushed bright red as I struggled to find words to respond to my mind's earlier screaming that we needed to talk before anything else happened, yet I felt powerless about the overwhelming desire to throw myself into each other's arms. Katelyn: I assure you that my feelings are genuine, not just words.

These past few months have been challenging for us, and I regret my immature behavior during our economics class. When Damien spoke, I felt a sudden pang in my chest; as his words stabbed me like a knife. I had asked for some kind of clarification during the beginning of August when he was so distant from me, yet here he was now, with the most heartfelt words, and I still could not comprehend why it had to be this way.

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