The circus

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I don't feel like living anymore.

This circus comes in town once in the course of about... six years.

Last time, I was too young to get money and buy myself tickets. Two times ago, my father lost at poker, and he didn't have enough money. The next time, I will be too old for it, and I'll lose my interest. It was the perfect moment, and I've missed it.

I look around at the people in the plaza. Most of them are buying expensive clothes and snacks, and something inside of me tells me they're preparing for the event I won't be a part of.

I feel I'm boiling with anger as I look at them; all part of perfect families, smiling, laughing, singing, and getting on my last nerves.

They're simple people, with simple clothes and simple money. Something I'll never be.

I've probably been raised by the wrong people and been and given the wrong mentality. I just can't imagine how it is to have a normal life with loving parents who take care of you. I just can't.

I feel a tear slipping down my face, and I wipe it as fast as I can. I shouldn't cry right now.


This is the day.

Kids all around the city gathered around to see the artists coming with their carriages, or at least I think that's what they are.

When I say kids, I mean me, too. I'm the most excited one, even if I won't get to see the representations. Just the sight of them is impossibly exciting.

I said I think they are carriages. In the back, there are huge wooden boxes painted in all sorts of weird colors. It looks like an explosion of magenta, teal, orange, purple, and glitter.

They are dragged by elphants, but not any elephants. All of them have huge, turquoise ears that almost touch the ground. They're smaller than a normal elephant, fitting easily into the small streets of Valenda. They are actually pink and have gemstones all over them.

I wish I was one of the circus performers; they have such nice black suits! Girls, boys, women, and men, they all wear the uniform of the circus.

I can't get enough of it. I don't have a ticket, but I have a plan. I can just sneak in, right? People do that all the time. It won't be different if I do it, too.

A blonde girl smiles at me. She's wearing the uniform, but she has a blue lion painted on her back. She waves, and I wave back; she might be a lion tamer.

Then, I noticed all actors have something painted on their back. Another girl with a pair of doves. A boy with a snake. More drawings.

Right now, I kind of wish I was one of them. I see another boy that catches my attention. He doesn't wear the uniform. He has big, strong, tattooed arms, and he has dark and curly hair.

I've never seen someone this handsome before. He catches me staring, and he smiles. I might be blushing, I might not be.

He jumps off the carriage's edge. What is he doing? He walks to me and continues to smile.

"Wow, you're..." He shakes his head. I look at him, and I wonder what he wants to say. "It doesn't matter. I'm Dante." He starts running but suddenly stops. "Before I go, what's your name?"

"Casper. My name's Casper."

He runs to catch the others, and I sigh. Maybe Japeth isn't the only handsome man in this town at the moment. He turns around and yells once again:

"Can't wait to see you tonight!"

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