The lion

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I feel I'm going to have a panic attack. No, seriously. The carriage started moving. That meant we were about to leave.

It stopped. The door opened. I couldn't see much. It was almost the middle of the night. I could only hear some men talking outside. And laughing. They were drunk.

"Bring it in!" One of them yelled at another. Were they going to get me out? I try to spit the tissues that threaten to slip down my throat and choke me to death. I can't.

Then, I freeze; I hear a growl and silent steps. The wooden board in front of the box creaks under its paws. A lion.

The men laugh once again and close the door, locking it. If they noticed me, I hope they die from the most painful causes. But I don't have to think about them. I have to think about the beast that is threatening to ripp me apart with its sharp teeth.

It slowly approaches me; I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Oh, no, God! The lion bends and sniffs me for a second, and then it roars.

One moment later, his mouth goes for my neck. I want to tell my father I love him. I want to tell my sister how annoying she is. I want to wish Cyrus good luck on his wedding, and, apparently, I can because the lion licks me instead of biting me. I forgot he's tamed. I sigh and pet it.

It purrs and sits next to me. So, it will be my companion now. It's pretty heavy; it puts its head on my lap. I smile. It's not even that ugly. It's kind of cute. After all, it's just a big cat. And it's getting easier to hold it. And easier. And easier.

I look down at it. I try to scream. It's not a cat. It's... what was his name... Aric. He looks up at me and smiles. He's wearing a tight, black suit, different from his red and white one. He raises his hand and takes the tissues out of my mouth so I can breathe properly, and he shushes me. He pulls out a piece of paper I can barely see and writes something on it, lending it to me.


I smile. He continues to write.

I see we're stuck together. I'm Aric, by the way. Yes, I play two roles. A lion and a contortionst. I wish I could get you out of this, but I can't. I'm stuck here, too, you know?

"Why don't you just whisper?" I ask. He writes a new thing down.

Unfortunately, I'm mute.

"Oooh. That makes sense."

And he drew a smile. I'm scared of what happens here, inside the walls of this circus. If the actors are forced to stay here, then I'm scared of what will happen to me.

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