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*Dante's POV*

How can I tell them I respectfully hate both of them without being rude?

Aric: he behaves like a saint,but in reality, he is as guilty as the other one.

Caspar: he tries to be a saint, but he can't be one. Not when he's done so many bad things. I don't hate the fact that he tried to kill me, no, that's not the reason. I'm alive. But I know he'd strangle every single one of us if he got the chance.

I want to die whenever I think about what I've created. From a "freak" and an abused boy, I just made two monsters who would bite my hands off.

I blame myself every night. And the thought that I act nice around Aric kills me. He's supposed to be my golden boy. My perfect little boy. I started re-hanging the pictures with the three of us, but I want to shoot them both in the head when I see their smiles. How could they? Both of them? I was sure I could forgive, and now I'm very sure I can't. They are ungrateful little shits who piss me off.

And I raised them. I took them from the streets. I bought every single one of their things. I taught them what I knew, offered them roles, signed them up like they were the most talented on the market, and the rest was supposed to be history.

Aric shamelessly looks at Caspar as he he chews on his food. And I wonder, I just wonder, what would happen if I poisoned both of them. The thought leaves me cold but also warms my stomach. I look down at my hands. They are full of parts of my past. And, right on my veins, there's a clover and a lion tooth. I engraved both of them deep enough to feel them eating my insides. It only took them two millimeters to be close enough. Because two millimetres is never too little to feel someone next to your heart, even if that means they suffocate it.

I have plenty of tattoos, but none of them are cold on my skin. The rest are a part of me, but these are a part of them, too icy for my liking.

Caspar opens his mouth, trying to say something. He's holding back tears. Can't he stop acting already? I know what he wants me to think. "Poor guy. He's trying to change." But I know that even though the wolf sheds its fur, trying to accommodate himself to the surroundings and the weather, it never sheds of its bad habits. And that's what he is. A shameless sharp-teethed creature.

"Aric, dear, can you please look at your own food?" I try to keep calm. "If you want fruit salad so bad, I can make you some later."

Aric gives me a dirty look and then stands up. How gross that boy is! I'm trying to be nice. I'm trying my best. I'm trying so hard to be the perfect one, but it hurts me. It hurts me to think that I have raised them. Good bread can't be made out of bad dough. It's not always the parent's fault.

The door bursts open. A pale boy rushes into the room, and I stop eating again. He isn't as pale as usual. Maybe a bit red. But Japeth has never looked that worried. Ever.

"What a surprise!" I smile when I see him. "What brings you here?"

"She's come to see me." He says under his breath like he had been running since forever.

"Wait, who?" Caspar finally joins.

"My future wife." The words sound like they hurt his throat. "My future wife came to see me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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