Red dress

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*Casper's POV*

I only know three things right now, running through the forest, arms, legs and face scraped, mud on my dress, and running to nowhere. 

One. I want Aric to be with me. He was the only one who could have made me feel safe in this situation.

Two. I wish I was faster than the ones chasing me.

Never mind. I just forgot number three.

After the music stopped, the lights went out and everyone screamed. The chandelier crashed to the floor. I looked at Dante, but I wasn't able to see him. He let go of my hand. The stupidest choice. Next thing I know, I swung my arm, grabbing somebody else's. That somebody didn't let go of me.

I felt fear, knowing Dante's arms weren't as thin as the man's. He dragged me outside, covering my mouth with his hand, muffing my screams and making them unnoticeable for the ones who weren't paying attention. Outside, I could see his face clearly in the moonlight. Jacks. Jacks holding a knife against my throat.

"You know, Caspar wouldn't want me to do this." He said, putting the piece of metal closer to me. "But you're too much of a threat for our plan to be alive." A long pause, followed by a giggle. 

"Then leave me alone. You won't hear from me again. I swear..."

"You make him weak, Casper." He didn't listen to me. I'm afraid he had one plan. "I have to take you off the chessboard before we get a checkmate."

But someone took him off me. I couldn't see who. It was probably some person from the ball who saw what happened and chose to help me. Whoever it was, I'm forever grateful to them.

The dark forest opens in front of me; even for the smartest person, the forest is the safest choice. I can't say the same thing about my dress. The laces of the corset are starting to loose, the bottom part is ripped and threatens to fall, but I can't say I'm disappointed. It would have been much harder to run in a normal gown.

I remember going into the forest with my friends when I was a little girl. Japeth and the rest of the "gang" would wait for me outside while I was tying my shoelaces, ready to go outside, with the strawberry jam sandwich still in my hand. I was the fastest at climbing trees. I can still hear little branches crushing under Jacks's weight. I need something to distract me from all of this, or I'm going to freeze in fear or going to collapse from leg pain.

"Once upon a time," I say, because that's what stories start with. "There was a girl," I tell myself, trying to ignore his demonic laugh behind me, "who had a red hat sewn by her grandmother specially for her. She wore it so often that everyone started calling her Little Red Riding Hood."

He's way too close to me. I might be screaming my little story, but I don't actually care.

"One day, her mother asked her to bring a piece of cake and a bottle of whine to her grandmother. She warned her not to go off-path, or she may fall and break the bottle, ask her to walk nicely and quietly, and advise her to say good morning when she arrived."

A branch scrapes my legs, but I can not stop, even if my life depends on it. Actually, my life depends on running.

"Little Red Riding Hood agreed and gave her hand on it, but, as soon as she entered the forest, she met a wolf." He almost touches my hand, and I speed up, jumping over a puddle of melted snow and screaming even louder. "Not knowing what wicked creature the wolf is, she trusted him and told him all he wanted to know, not realizing the danger she's putting herself into. She did not know what the wolf truly wanted, and she let herself trick, taking his advice and stopping to pick flowers. You know, this forest may have beautiful flowers on spring time."

I'm tired and scared, but I can't stop. I should continue the damn story and hope my prince-charming finally shows up once in 1000 years.

"Meanwhile, the wolf tricked the granny, too, saying he's Little Red Riding Hood. As soon as he entered the room, he devoured the granny, putting on her clothes, laid himself to sleep, and drew the curtains."

No. My legs are getting weak. They can't let me down. Not now.

"The girl called good morning but received no answer. Her granny was sleeping with her cap over her face, so she woke her up. Oh, grandmother, she said, what big ears you have!  The wolf immediately answered with, The better to hear you with, my child. But children are foolish, so the little girl believed him. But, grandmother, what big eyes you have! She continued and received another answer from the wolf's. The better to see you with, my dear!"

If there's anyone taking care of all of us, I need him. I hate to admit it, but I feel helpless. And I need someone here, right now, when we're getting to my least favorite part of the story. Usually, my father was beside me after reading me this, and he was there to tell me to wait until the end. I feel the end approaching, but not "Little Red Riding Hood's" end. My own end. Right now, I can't do anything beside yell what they are supposed to say.

"But, grandmother, what large hands you have!

The better to hug you with.

Oh, but, grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have!"

He's closer than I expected. I stop for a moment, holding back tears. If I cry, I won't be able to see the road properly.

"The better to eat you with!"

It was him, not me saying that. I lift myself on a three branch, feeling my heart in my throat. I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

And I wait.

And I wait.

And I wait. For two hours, to be exact, but time passes slower when you want it to pass.

I hop down, hoping Jacks left. I look at my wounds; dirty and ugly, just like me. I lie on the ground, feeling drained. The snow is cold, and I feel it with every inch of my body. It's even colder than I expected, but snow is my best friend. It'd never want me dead. It'd never hate me. It'd never love me. But I don't need love. I need a friend.

I hear it, coming from behind a tree. I jump on my feet, ready to embrace my death. He takes one step further, and I take one back. It's like a deadly dance. Finally, I can see him. Caspar. Why does he look hurt? Why is he dragging his leg after him, leaving a trace of blood behind him?

"Oh, my lord, Caspar, are you ok?"

He collapses, but there's no sound. My friend made his fall less unpleasant.

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