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It's not him. It can't be.

I feel his amethyst gaze on me, but it feels different. It feels empty. It doesn't feel like his.

But I noticed him staring once again. I feel flattered. I smiled and turned around to talk to LaLa. She smiled back, noticing I became pale as a ghost. I don't like it because I know it's all an illusion.

"My kingdom is way more boring than the Meridian Empire." She says, scratching her dragon scale tattooed arms. "I wish I lived here. And oh, I forgot to tell you! I'm getting married in two months, and you're invited!"

"Married? To whom?"

"I don't know yet."

"Arranged marriage?"

"No, decided to get married, not who will be my groom."

That was a bit weird. I pick up another cupcake from the tray and have another glance at him. He notices and winks. At this point, I don't know if this is real or not. LaLa stops for a moment, and I don't know why. When I look again, he's behind me.

"You know, Casper, you get a lot of male attention." She frowns, looking at him. I'm more concerned about him than she is, but I can't say it out loud.

I never got to have a proper conversation with her, and there she leaves. I sigh. He puts his arm around my waist, and I can feel every inch of my body getting warmer like I did in my dream.

"Is it really you?" I whisper, holding his hand.

"I'm myself every single day."

That was strange. I don't remember about him being able to tell me anything.

"How can you talk? I thought you were..."

"Of course I'm able to talk, pet."

I swear, if I'm dreaming and Dante pranked me, someone will get in real trouble. But he feels so real and soft that I can't help but fall for it.

He smirks, and his dimples show. I have never seen him wearing black before. He's wearing a black suit with a tight black shirt. He looks like he has gained some more muscles. I wonder where he has been, but I really don't care. He's here with me, and it's all that matters.

"Won't you ask me what I want?" He says, and I notice his voice sounds unusually harsh. I grip on his hand tighter.

"What do you want?"

It's like we're flirting, and we most likely are. He licks his lips and laughs, and I feel like something inside of me tells me it's not right. But he's here, and no other man could make me feel so many different emotions like he does.

"I want you to join me in the next dance that is going to play."

I nod and try not to make obvious how bad I want to cry. He's here, I'm home, and everyone is finally happy. That's all I ever wanted.

The next melody is slow and sweet. It's one of the few I can dance to. His purple eyes are only on me. I'm the only one here. We're the only ones here. They are nothing. They are just mannequins who dance around us.

He leans a bit, and I do, too. It feels better than the first time we kissed. His lips are cold, dry, and pleasant at the same time. I whisper:

"I love you, Aric."

He kisses me one more time, pulling me closer to him.

"You must mistake me for someone else, pet. My name's Gavriel."

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