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*Casper's POV*

I remember waking up once but not being fully conscious, and Caspar was beside me. He seemed to be talking to me, even though I didn't give any signs of hearing.

"Please, Casper. I need you. If you'd only do something, give any single sign..."

And then I feel asleep again.

I'm not afraid of what they are going to do. I'm dead inside, anyway. Even though you see me here, walking on earth, my soul is on one of the many, "We'll miss you!" fliers put up by the emperor, whose favorite actor was Aric. I miss him, too.

I might as well die tomorrow. I don't care. But today, I surprisingly want to live and forget about it for a short amount of time.

I open my eyes, immediately feeling the bandages wrapped around my torso, but none on my chest. And there's something more. Someone's gaze is on me. Caspar. Caspar is staring at me. I open my eyes wider. No, not him.

"Good morning, pet." That's the blonde guy who was in my room the other day! "How did you sleep? Not that I care."

How dare he come here, ask me how my night was, when just a day ago he put an arrow through me like I was some kind of deer or rabbit? I have never wronged him, or I don't remember doing so.

He leans forward on his chair, making me stand up. He gives me the shivers. He looks like an angel, but I'm sure he's a demon. He is one of the few people I want to kill with my bare hands. I want to kill the rest of them with bats, matches, and other things that suit their personality.

I jump out of my bed, slowly backing away. He smirks, crossing his legs. The light plays tricks on me. I just thought I saw a girl with long hair in the mirror.

"Calm down. I have restriction orders from Caspar. I guess no one want to have their arms cut off and chopped into little pieces, and then have them fed to stray dogs."

The light isn't playing tricks on me. My hair reaches my shoulders now. How much have I slept? I feel tears flowing my eyes. I was a pretty boy, and now I'm an ugly girl.

"It's been about four months. Your cousin was worrying you would not wake up, but here you are. You were strong enough to get through it."

I wipe my tears away, turning to him. I know I'm probably not going to get a good answer, but it's worth asking.

"Has Dante ever looked for me?"

He laughs, stroking his jaw. I know the answer now. I don't want to hear it, but he still gives it to me.

"Never. He ran away like a coward, leaving you behind."


*Caspar's POV, but I'm already tired of this mf*

I stood there beside her all of this time, watching her sleep. My back is tired from sleeping on a chair, observing her every breath and move, and still not getting enough of her. But she's awake.

I ran into the room and found her having breakfast. She doesn't even look suspicious of what it might contain. I might as well poison it, but I think she wouldn't care.

"'Morning, sunshine!" I say. She stops eating, looking at me with disgust.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest, like someone is stabbing me. In reality, the thought of her hating me is.

"I... brought you something." I say, holding the bright blue box in which I put a dress.

Immediately as I saw it, I thought of her. I think of her every time I see something beautiful, like the bouquet of flowers I saw in the hall this morning, or like the Chaos's garden of tulips. They all remind me of her.

She rolls her eyes and ignores me, but I can't be upset with her. She's the only thing that keeps me alive at this point. Don't you think I can simply disappear? Go far away, where nobody knows me, or in the ground, where I can't bother anyone? I can, but I choose not to, only because of her.

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