Dresses and suits

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*Casper's POV*

The room is filled with dresses and suits, from the cheapest to the most expensive, and Caspar promised to buy every single one I want.

I'm not interested in any of them. I would be if the one paying wasn't someone like him. A pastel peach draws my attention. I take my eyes off it as fast as I can, but he notices.

"Do you like that dress, sweetheart?" He lets his black and white suit down to look at it. "It's a great choice, even though I would have preferred something to match the theme of the ball. Do you think you can find one who looks similar but has a darker color?"

Ball? No one told me we were going to a ball! I would have never let him drag me here if I knew it. But it's too late.

"You know, you can buy this one, too. It's cheap, anyway. 100 gold coins to make you happy is a small price."

I know he wants to be nice because I'm his cousin, but it doesn't work. I'm even more concerned about him, and I don't like him at all. I know he wanted to kill Dante, and, at one point, he was about to kill me, too. Although our faces look pretty similar, his features are more manly, and he's taller and stronger than me. Now that I look like a girl, nobody can tell if we are a couple or relatives, and if he continues to talk like that, I think they will think we are the first option.

"May I help you?" A girl who looks like she works in the shop asks. Caspar looks at her and smiles, finally getting his choice of suits down to four.

"Yes, you may. We are looking for a gown for her, and it's supposed to have a darker color, but she only chose that pastel, so do me a favor and get her one."

His voice sounds unusually harsh. It didn't sound like that a moment ago. The girl looks down, taking my hand. She is a nice-looking girl with curly, orange hair and olive skin. She works in an expensive store, but her clothes are very simple and boyish. She takes me to see a dark green gown with a low V-neck, an orange gown with ugly gemstones on it, and a black gown with a double skirt. 

"Do you have anything else beside gowns?" I ask, not sure if I should buy the dark green gown. Her face lights up, and she smiles from ear to ear.

"We have shorter dresses. I make the designs for shorter dresses!"

I would be very happy if something I made would get requested, so I understand her. And the shorter dresses are gorgeous. I can't find any kind of mistakes on them.

What should I get? A midnight-blue dress would be a safe choice, but how about a white one? I know I'm supposed to get a darker color, but it will not be out of common. And then I see it. A ruby dress with a laced corset. It's mine.

Caspar babbles a little bit, trying to tell me I can't go to a ball with that kind of dress and thigh-high boots, but he eventually lets it go, sighing and coming closer to me.

"I know you won't make any step back. Because you're like me, and that's why I like you."

He puts his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I wait for him to put the other one, too, and hug me, but that doesn't happen. Instead, he leans, and his lips accidentally touch mine. And I know it was accidental. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

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