He's back

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"Look at my son, Agnes! Look how handsome he is!"

And that's how he ignores me again. I hate him more since I came back. He is worse than Iris, and I didn't like her either. Imagine what I feel for him right now.

"And Casper, he looks amazing, too! Seeing anybody tonight, dear?"

I don't think I will see anybody besides my barber tonight. I smile, knowing Japeth will be here to pick me up soon. We've already talked about it. We're matching suits, him as the Archer, me as the Fox. The ballad of the Archer and the Fox is one of his favorite stories. I don't like it. I don't like sad endings.

Cyran is going with one of his best friends. I don't know her yet, but I know her name is Lily and she was one of our classmates. I have serious problems. I don't remember her, but I know about her existence.

"If I were single, I would've liked to go to the ball, too. It may not be Nocte Neverending, but it's never too early for the king to get ideas for future queens." Agnes says, holding my dad's hand. She is a short, slim brunette, and she looks less mature than me. I can say I'm disgusted. She is way too young.

My sister is still getting ready. She surely put on a ton of makeup, did her hair, bought the most expensive dress, and then stared at her reflection in the mirror, constantly repeating I shine. No, she doesn't. It's just the ton of highlighter she put on.

Someone knocks, and, by the unnecessary strength he uses, it's Japeth. I rush to open the door, and I find him posing with his beautiful green and blue suit using his bow and arrow. He is the Archer, after all. I adjust the laces of my corset, inviting him to come in until my sister is done.


I feel like this whole night will be a mess, just by the aspect of the carriage. A diva, a lord dressed as an archer, and a girl dressed as a peasant. Cyran is the only normal person.

I step out, and I instantly regret choosing a dress without sleeves. The cold air of the night. It feels like it's getting inside of me. Bad idea.

I like how most people arrived here with carriages. The castle's surroundings are full of color and non-color. White, black, dark red, pastel pink, and many other shades, to be exact.

I'm not dressed too bad, to be honest. If I had made it by myself, it would've been horrible, but Cyran is something else. He can make any cheap piece of paper-thin fabric look like art. And then, I see him.

I didn't expect that much from this ball, but I can't believe my eyes. It's not possible. He was supposed to be... it doesn't matter. Gavriel. Gavriel is him.

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