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*Casper's POV*

"You've got it all wrong, you know? I'm not here with Dante."

She giggles, leaning on a wall. She clearly thinks something is funny, but nothing is, so it annoys me.

"So you're here with Lord Puppet."

"Lord who?"

"Lord James... Joseph... Jef-jef-jefferson... I don't know."

When the air starts to smell like cigarettes and rum, I understand who Lord Puppet is. He puts both his arms around my waist, planting a little kiss on my neck.

"My name's Japeth, just so you know."

I haven't seen him in ages. How long has it been? Half a year ago? I think he's wearing makeup, but it doesn't bother me. He looks even better when his already long and dark lashes are accentuated. He even looks like a cat, with the beauty mark under his left eye and his sharp, siren eyes.

"Well, I think I have to go." LaLa says, dragging her dress after her. "See you later, Casper!"

Japeth turns at me, playfully passing his big hand through my hair. I can't say his copper hair is short. It's almost the same length as mine, and it's healthier.

When we were kids, we used to play together while our dads talked about important stuff, and his mom used to watch our every single move. Back then, he told me one day, when I'll look at him, I'll look up. Back then, I was taller than him. I'm one year older.

"Where have you been all of this time?" He asks, studying my red dress and black thigh-high boots. I'll have to admit, I'm proud of my clothes.

"Where have you been when I needed six gold coins? Uh?"

It's true. If he had given me those damn money, I wouldn't be here, and I know he had more than enough. Six gold coins are his daily allowance.

"It doesn't matter. I saw you. You managed to get into the circus without that money, right?"

"Yes, but that's mainly why I'm here! Because I didn't have money to pay, and then I entered without a ticket, and then... you know what? It isn't something I should discuss with you."

He sighs, taking a sip from his rum. He's only 15, but he already drinks and smokes more than my 36 year old alcoholic father does. I can say he's a bad influence, but "bad" would be too little to describe what he is.

Here he comes. The man who I'd like to avoid. I turn around, but it's too late. Dante lends me his hand.

"May I steal your girl for this dance?"

Japeth approves, but he squints his eyes when I leave with him. I can't choose who I hate more between him or the boy holding my hand right now, and I don't know who likes me more between Japeth and Dante.

"You know I've been looking for you, right?" I feel his hot breath against my ear while he starts to spin me. "Everything Caspar said, he said it to drive you away from me. Because he's afraid someone will take you away from him. I have the same fear, too."

I frown, rolling my eyes. I know the Caspar part, but I'm not sure about his. If he had really tried, I would've been home by now. I wouldn't have been here at a ball with my older cousin, who plans to marry me, my ex-boyfriend, who now wants me back, and with him, who clearly could have done it but chose not to.

"I'm serious, Caspar. I really did."

"My name's Casper."

"I can't pronounce it correctly."

If he can't, he can go fuck himself.

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