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Aric slept the whole trip to I don't really know where. Now, the carriage stopped, and he was still sleeping, curled up in the weirdest position I have ever seen, both knees behind his neck like it was his usual way of sitting down.

It looks so easy. I'm sure I can do it, too. I take my shoe off, just in case my foot slips. I grab my leg and raise it as high as I can. Not to mention, I can't even do it, but it'd give me a huge crotch pain if I'd sleep like that. The door of the box opens, and Dante enters, smiling. He closes and locks it. Aric wakes up and stands up as fast as humanly possible.

"Caspar, Caspar, Caspar. Fell right into my trap." He laughs, and I look at him, confused.

"Um... my name's Casper."

He turns around like he doesn't hear what I just said. I just let him continue and have his villain moment. My boy is surely nuts, and he's mistaken me for someone else. I just want to go home.

"You were my favorite performer." He said, theatrically, covering his face with his palms. Why would you do that in the middle of this situation? "And you sold me to Jacks. How dare you do that, Caspar?"

I laugh and put my shoes back on, getting ready to leave. He puts his hands on my shoulders and starts shaking me back to reality like I wasn't wide awake before.

"Why?" He asks once again. I'm tired of this shit.

"I don't know, dude. Maybe because I have no idea who you're talking about? And I'm not Caspar. I've never seen you before the circus's arrival."

He leaves me alone, and his face turns from a nice shade of golden brown to pale as a ghost. He started babbling. I don't know what he's saying.

"Breathe in. Ooooh, well done! Now, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out."

He surely doesn't look good or calm, and he continues to babble. There's only one way to get him out of this state. I prepare myself and eventually yell:


And yes, it seems to work. He looks scared of me now, but finally manages to say something I can actually understand.

"Caspar, I'm so sorry..."

No, I think I should stop correcting him. He's clearly an idiot. The carriage starts moving again, and now I wait for him to continue.

"You can't go home right now." He fakes laughing as he looks me in my eyes. "Actually, we're... too far away, if you know what I mean."

I smile and turn to open the door and leave. I got my shoes, my nonexistent keys, my nonexistent money... Woah!

I fear I might have a fever dream. I opened the door, but the ground is way to far away for me to get out. We're flying.

It seems like we're really far from the Meridian Empire. When we left, it was the growing season. It's the cold season here, judging my the snow falling on my hair and hands. I look around. Flying carriages are not new to me, since there's a whole bunch of them in Valenda. It's just the fact that I've never seen elephants that fly using their ears. I pull myself back in.

"How far are we from home?" I ask him, praying it will be a good answer. He laughs back.

"A few hours away. But from my home. From yours, let's see..." He starts counting using his fingers like a little kid. "About 10 days."

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