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I hear the knocking while I'm finishing the last step of my skincare. Weird. He left five minutes ago. Maybe he forgot something.

"Gavriel, I already told you to leave -"

It's not Gavriel. No. No. No.

He smirks, closing the door behind him. I try to stay calm as he sits down, but I'm trembling.

"Quite caused a scene tonight, right?" Jacks asks, crossing his legs.

"I'm sorry, but what do you want? Asking so I can go to sleep, you know?"

I try to play the fool, but he stands up, grabbing my wrists like he's about to threaten me. His pupils constrict, and he forces me to sit down.

"You're not that dumb, are you?" He asks, gripping my wrists tighter. "You probably realized who's the king here, so you're basically making me problems."

Yes. I know. Gavriel is too dumb to rule for himself, so I figured Jacks might be in this.

"And you probably realized the similarities between Gavriel and Aric."

I laugh, figuring it out. I know where he's going.

"And what? You want me to behave because of a boy who looks like Aric?"

"No. I want you to behave for Aric." He brings my hands together, holding both of my wrists with one palm. "You're actually dumb, aren't you?"

He notices my confusion and giggles. He uses his other hand to blow the hair out of my face. Just then, I feel defeated. I didn't take that into consideration.

Since Aric died, I didn't think about his deal with Jacks. I found out about it a few days after. Now, it comes all together.

"After Caspar betrayed me, I was left with no choices but him. He wished for a voice. He wished for other memories. But, most importantly, he wished for you. I'm telling you this so you know better than break his heart."


I left my shoes in my room. I received the letter a few moments ago. They're here.

I shouldn't make any noise, but I can't run slower. It will all be over because of them. I want to go home again. I want to escape, no matter what it takes. I unlock the door, and Dante hugs me without saying anything.

"I'm sorry for not reading your letters." He says, basically crushing me. "I should have been a better friend..."

Jacks is going to come here. I'm sure of it. It's been two days since he last threatened me, but I'm sure he won't stop here. Dante takes a deep breath and yells:

"Jacks. We're here."

I tried to make him shut up. I tried to cover his mouth, reducing him to silence. He shouldn't call him. Not now.

Jacks comes out of a corner, his eyes sparkling with pleasure. I already know he shouldn't have done that. He's going to break Dante into a million pieces.

In a moment, Jacks is above Dante, strangling him. And Caspar stands there, watching... what is he doing?

Now, I understand. I can't move either. I can just watch Jacks how strangles Dante, and hope he gets up.

It all happened so quickly that it took a while to figure it out. Aric standing above Jacks's corpse. Blood everywhere. A bloody sword.

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