The many forms of love

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*Caspar's POV*

I don't think I'm a nice person. If I were, I wouldn't be torturing a literal human being just because I'm bored.

I heard she's here. I can't wait to see her. The golden and white halls of Jacks's gambling den are confusing, so I got there later than Jacks did. I place my hand in the door handle, trembling in pleasure and excitement. She's here, and she's all mine.

I think I'm going to die. As soon as I step into the small, dark room, my heart drops, and I feel I can't breathe. She's there, tied to a chair, when I clearly asked them to make her stay here as comfortable as possible.

"Hello, dear." I say, untying her wrists. "I'm so, so sorry for this. I really need to punish some people."

She looks at me. Oh, no! She's crying! No, no, no. She isn't going to obey me if she hates me.

I didn't notice at first, but she's breathing heavily. She doesn't have any reason to do so. She arrived an hour ago. She's not...

"Casper, are you hurt?"

She sighs. She isn't struggling to breathe. She barely is breathing. Now, I see it. Her shirt is pooling with blood. I can't do this anymore. I hate to admit it, but I want to give up. If my wish comes true, I ask you, the reader, to burry my heart because deep, in the ground, nobody can ever reach the only person who ever was in it. Please. Make me the happiest dead man.

"Who did this to you?"

As expected, she doesn't answer. She never will. She'll always look down at me as the black-hearted monster she saw the first night. But my black heart still beats when I think about her. 

Jacks enters the room, slamming the door behind him. I know he knows who hurt her, and if he doesn't answer my question, his head will stand besides his feet without any doubt. His golden hair shines in the dark room, almost like it has its own light. 

"Who did you ask to bring her here?" I ask, trying as hard as I can to sound bored. I fail. He smirks.

"Don't worry," He says, looking at her over my shoulder. "I brought her here on my own."

I grab his hand, pulling him aside. I don't need her to hear all I'm going to say to Jacks. I doubt she can actually hear anything in the state she is.

"If you touch her again, I won't hesitate to cut your arms off, chop them into small pieces, and feed them to stray dogs. Understood?"


*Dante's POV*

I don't know where they all went. I can feel blood gushing from my wounds, and it's not pleasant at all. You know, it's like a river, but a river that drains you while it flows.

Anyway, I'm glad they are gone. I couldn't stand Caspar's bragging about Casper. He told me how muck he loves "her", how much he adores, venerates, and wants "her." Even if Casper is a girl, he clearly doesn't want to be called "she." And they're cousins. That creeps me out.

Jacks came here to see me, too. He just couldn't stop crying about how bad his relationship with Evangeline is. Yes, his girl's name is Evangeline, and I'm in this mess because of her. I hate to admit it, but I've had so many girls to keep my bed warm that I don't even remember their names. Whenever one of them contacts me again, I end up messing it up. But Evangeline was special. She's the only one who did more than entertain me for one night.

I loved her, you see? I loved her walk, loved her laugh, loved her eyes, and loved her smile. She's the first woman I've ever loved, but love is just attraction based on sexual desire, and it's always temporary, like wounds, and many of them leave permanent scars.

With the things I've heard in the last two days, I think I might as well become a therapist. I've only dealt with two crazy people, but that's enough for my whole damn life. I think I've had enough. I want to go home, but I don't even know where my home is anymore. 

Maybe I want to go back to Aric and Casper. They're the closest things I have to family. The other ones just flatter me, and they can kiss my ass when I say I hate them with every single part of my soul.

I raise my eyes from the ground. I haven't eaten in the last three days, so I have a huge head and stomach ache right now. If only I could eat something besides half-consumed candy...

There it is. On the floor, next to the wall, a piece of glass shines, and I can see it with the corner of my eye. I need to reach for it. Here it goes.

I put my bodyweight on one side, crushing to the ground. Some stones are going to leave scratches on my face, but I don't care. I have to somehow... reach... for it....

I twist the chair, grabbing the shard. I hurt my hands in the process, not noticing where it comes from. There are many others like this one, and they all are a part of a broken bottle.

The ropes snap on my hands as I untie my legs and stand up. If I get out alive, nothing can kill me.

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