Alternative: How Sam and Jared Were Originally Supposed to Meet Marshall

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Note: This kind of goes hand-in-hand with the idea of Marshall not really harboring malicious intent toward the wolves from the very beginning, as seen in the last chapter. I came up with this scenario after scrapping the whole Marshall/Ephraim tidbit. So, as far as this part goes, Marshall wasn't allowed in Quileute territory by the time he and Paul started dating. It was also believed, by the other Cullens, that Marshall couldn't stand the wolves any more than they could.

So, when joining in on a meeting between the vampires and the wolves at the treaty line, Marshall has to pretend like he legitimately hates the wolves; both to keep up the act and to keep his family from knowing about his relationship with Paul.

In this timeline, the big fight caused by Alice breaching Marshall's privacy hadn't happened yet. Because of that, there's no active hostility between him and his coven mates at the moment.

Also, deleted character detail: I had originally come up with the idea of Marshall, along with having a sensitive nose, as being leagues faster than Edward; or any other vampire, really. I imagined, if there was really a desire to, he could move fast enough to make it seem like he was teleporting. That made me imagine some really hilarious moments where he would just pop up, seemingly out of nowhere, to scare the absolute life out of people. 😂


Marshall watched Brad's car disappear down the street before bringing his attention to the display screen on his phone.

He cursed in annoyance at the time.

The vampire was expected to attend a meeting, alongside Carlisle and Esme, at the treaty line with the wolves. He recalled a passing conversation about minor changes being made to the current pact; but if he were being honest, he wasn't really paying attention when it was brought up. Marshall had only heard small blips of information because he was in a rush to meet Brad outside so they could head to work together. The only details that stood out were 'treaty line', 'meeting', and '5:30'.

The time was currently 5:23.

It was fortunate that, at his fastest, he could get to his destination in a little over five, maybe six minutes.

Once the realization dawned on him, Marshall slid his phone back into his pocket. A quick scope of the area assured him no one was around to witness him practically disappearing from sight when making a mad dash for the nearby forest.

His rapid pace was done out of genuine desire to make it on time.

Not really for the actual meeting, but to see Paul.

Marshall could admit to himself how absolutely smitten he'd become with his partner.

The vampire wasn't normally one to daydream about loved ones. He wasn't one to sit with his feet propped up as random doodles of bubbly hearts were drawn into his diary. He wasn't the type to experience butterflies fluttering freely in his gut when getting off the phone with someone.

But Paul made things different.

The shifter did everything in his power to spoil his boyfriend with affection; whether it be from planting kisses across his entire face, presenting gifts like flowers or teddy bears, spending evenings in candlelit rooms with soft music playing, or other actions of similar caliber. Paul texted Marshall with sweet messages whenever he had free time. And, if the Cullen estate was ever empty, hours were spent talking on the phone if meeting in person wasn't an option.

Paul made Marshall feel...happy.



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