Deleted: Marshall Talking About His Awakening as a Vampire

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Trigger Warning: mentions of blood and gore, sexual assault, and graphic violence


Note: I feel like this chapter is a good inclusion since I've never truly gone into depth about Marshall's transformation and super early days as a vampire. In the actual Twilight series, we're given a glance at how Rosalie dealt with the people who caused her death; but I never actually talked about how Marshall himself took matters into his own hands. I'd like to further expand on both of those topics now.

I'm not really planning on going into depth about the assault scene per se, but it will be mentioned in passing. I'm putting that out there just in case.

Also: In the original Twilight series, I believe Edward and Bella start dating, she's brought to meet the family, and she's attacked by James all within the same month (March). I wanted to spread that out a bit, though, because I wanted Paul and Marshall's relationship to be further established by the time "Not My Fight" happens.

So, in my eyes, Marshall and Paul would've gotten romantically involved February 12. By the time the faceoff happens with James, they would've been together a little over a month.

Timeline wise, this chapter would've happened roughly a few weeks after Marshall opened up to Paul about his human life—in between "Who I Used to Be" and "A Terribly Bloody Birthday". Since I imagine this scene playing out in late-ish May, they would've been together romantically for about four months at this point.

I'm prefacing this now because the length of time they've actually been boyfriends is a somewhat integral part as to why Paul reacts the way he does. Hope it's not confusing!


"Is something the matter, Tiger? You seem like you've got something on your mind."

Paul clenched his jaw while continuing to run his fingers across smaller hands. He nuzzled further into a strong thigh currently being used as a pillow. One of his legs was bent at the knee with the other dangling over the edge of a shared porch swing. His position of lying on his back made it easy to gaze into a pair of curious golden eyes staring down at him.

With his train of thought focused on a certain topic, he couldn't help but ponder about what their original color was.

Had they been brown, blue, or green? Were they a captivating, more rare hue like azure or emerald? Were they heterochromic? Did they shine and bring the world to a complete standstill whenever crossing paths with warm rays of sunlight?

Paul could only wonder.

"It's not that something's wrong, it's just..." His internal search for appropriate wording was shown via brown eyes slowly moving in different directions. "I wanted to ask you a question, but I'm not sure if it'd be considered rude since we haven't been dating that long."

"Surely whatever you want to ask can't be that bad, can it?"

"I just don't want to risk making you uncomfortable by prying too much."

Marshall chuckled, shaking his head. "Sweetheart, there isn't anything about me that I would need to hide from you. If you're curious, it's okay to ask. I know there are things about me I haven't really explained which paint me as some sort of enigma to a certain extent. I've already told you my biggest, most painful secret. Can't really imagine what would make me as uncomfortable as talking about that."

Paul allowed for his fingers to wrap around the arm resting against his chest. His thumb drew random shapes into soft skin.

"I...want to know more about you. About your early life."

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