Deleted: Bella Tries to Force Marshall's Compliance

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Trigger Warning: victim blaming, references to past outing


Note: This is for all the people who wanted to see Bella get some of the karma she deserved for being so toxic in the main story. 😂This was in my drafts in the very, very beginning when I first started crafting Pretty Boy. I had imagined another scenario where Marshall is hanging out with the pack and, because she's friends with Jake, Bella would've come around at some point at the same time. Since tensions would've been high because of her outing him, she would've received the cold shoulder for most of her visit. But then Bella tries to get confrontational, and Marshall doesn't react well. Nor does he hold back his true feelings in regard to the genuine hatred he has toward Bella.

This would've happened a little bit before the events of "Forced Cooperation"—a time where Marshall was on bad terms with pretty much everyone in the coven except Esme. This means, in the following chapter, he'll be taking shit from no one. 😂

My man is going to be blunt and ruthless, and I'm living for it. Enjoy!


Marshall reached over to the passenger seat of his car where a large paper bag was waiting. A strong aroma of fried delicacies wafted into his nose. The fragrance wasn't bothersome to his senses, so he saw no harm in taking a few purposeful whiffs. Salty foods mixed with sweet ones offered differing smells when being carried so close to his chest. Their weight was hefty against his outstretched hands.

He used the heel of his boot to close his door, signaling an expected arrival at the Uley house.

Sounds of merriment erupted through the open entryway: a few people were having a loud conversation about videogames, some were sharing stories with partially filled mouths, a couple others were singing along to energetic music playing from the kitchen. Emily's joyous laughter sprinkled its way into the arrangement of male voices and was echoed by louder cackles.

A fond, gentle warmth settled in Marshall's chest.

He entered the house with an excited wave. His gesture was met with brightened expressions alongside other people welcoming him back. Emily gave her normal kiss to the cheek. Jared followed his normal routine of trading quick fist bumps. Friendly nods were given to Embry, Leah, and the newest member of the pack, Quil.

Marshall was guided to sit down on Paul's lap. Once the vampire was comfortable, strong arms wrapped around his waist in a snug, loving embrace. A series of playful kisses were peppered against his cheek as well.

"Hey, baby," Marshall greeted, his eyes softening.

Paul lifted his head up to show off his delighted grin. "Hi, Honey Bun. Did you have fun at the bookstore?"

"Yeah. I got some new volumes to add to the collection at home. While I was out, though, I figured I'd stop by the Colombian restaurant to get you guys some snacks."

"Em was just saying she was thinking about getting takeout, so you came right on time, beautiful." 

"Oh? I'm glad." The large bag was placed onto the table. "It's an assortment of, like, appetizer-type things. There's Empanadas with half that have chicken and half that have cheese, Pandebonos which is a cheesy pastry, some Papa Rellena that's just fried potato with meat inside, and some Chicharrón con Tostones- which is fried pork with fried plantains. I asked for limes and extra salsa picante too if you're feeling zesty today."

"You, my love, definitely know how to spoil a man."

"Well, one of the ways to your heart is through good food, so..."

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