Alternative: The Consequences of Forced Imprint Separation

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A/N: Really quick before getting into the heavy, I just wanted to say thank you so much for your patience and kind words in regard to my health scare. I'm doing a lot better now, and I really appreciate you guys for waiting so long!


Trigger Warning: blood, vomiting, panic attacks, talk of suicide


Note: Otherwise known as "The Chapter Where the Cullens Get the Wakeup Call of a Lifetime": this is an alternative route that would've taken place had Marshall been forced to stay with the Cullens during Bella's pregnancy. It would've been an instance where he doesn't have a choice and leaving isn't an option. Because of this, Marshall is physically separated from Paul for an extended period of time, leading to a really negative reaction stemming from the imprint bond.

Now, for clarification, being separated from an imprint who is still alive causes different reactions in comparison to being separated because of death. Since Marshall and Paul are connected by the Forever Bond, if either of them died, they'd experience a period of heavy grief, mourning, depression, loneliness, and emptiness which would slowly lessen until being reunited again. Being separated by distance for too long, well, you'll see how that turns out here.

This chapter is going to be very intense, so viewer discretion is advised.


"What the hell do you mean I'm not allowed to leave?!"

"Exactly that, you can't leave, Marshall! We need you here to help defend Bella-"

"Because you knocked her up!" Enraged golden eyes lost a bit of fury when turning to face the human in question. "Let me make it clear right now that what you do with this baby is your choice and your choice alone; so don't even try to get my input on the situation." Attention was brought back to Edward. "That being said, what the hell does her being pregnant have to do with me being here?"

"You heard Jacob! The wolves are planning to surround the house-"

"But what does that have to do with me being here?! They can't get in, and you certainly aren't making me fight my pack mates! You're not planning on leaving to hunt, so you won't even run into them! Why do I have to be held prisoner, away from my family- my home- my husband?! You're not pitting me against him! He wouldn't dare to ever lay a hand on me, and I would never do that to him either!"

"And that's exactly why you're staying here." Edward took a single step forward, hands folding behind his back. "You being here helps us protect Bella, seeing as the wolves would risk bringing harm to you if they tried to bring harm to her. You said it yourself, Paul would never hurt you. The pack would never consider to. Their desire to keep you safe is the perfect shield needed to keep Bella out of harm's way."

Marshall took a step back out of genuine shock. "Are you- are you serious right now?! You're trying to use me as a means to get what you want? You're trying to use the integrity of my relationship as a means to cower behind me?"


"No! Fuck this, and fuck you! I'm leaving-"

Before he had a chance to do so, Edward ran forward with enhanced speed. He took Marshall by the shoulders, forcing them to make eye contact.

"You know, from the very beginning, you've been adamant on keeping your relationship hidden. It would be a real shame if that information got into the wrong hands. Like the Volturi, for example. Do I need to make a report to them about you being romantically attached to a werewolf?"

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