Alternative: The Fight with Red Eyes

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Note: Y'all...this chapter...straight banger! 😂

So, fun fact: The fight with Red Eyes that happened in New Moon was actually supposed to happen in Eclipse! It was also supposed to be a group of vampires to deal with rather than one person; and both the entire pack and the Olympic coven were supposed to be there. It would've happened a little bit before the big pursuit of Victoria in "Chase". At this point, Marshall still would've been extremely against working with his coven, but he got involved to help make sure the townspeople would be safe.

Also: I'm really spoiling you guys with this chapter because it features not one, but TWO endings! I bounced between them for a really long time, so I figured I'd just put both instead of choosing only one to publish.



"How many did Esme say there were?"

"Five of them. They're causing a pretty big ruckus where they are, so she wants us to head over as fast as possible. From the way it sounded, they might be dealing with vampires with extra abilities. Carlisle's going to do his best to bring them over toward the treaty line so we can get to them faster. Keep your guard up. Now, let's move out!"

Marshall didn't bother waiting for confirmation. Instead, he exited the Uley house with fast steps and shifted into a quick sprint upon making contact with soft grass. Tearing clothes could be heard behind him. It was followed by heavy paws running along the forest floor.

As per usual, the pack formed around their vampire to travel as a single unit.

Marshall's fists were clenched tight enough to make them shake.

Since he was back on speaking terms with Esme, permission was granted for her to call if it was ever necessary. Regardless of whether it was for a nice outing, to hunt together, or if something like this happened—if she ever needed help because of an active threat—Marshall would come running without hesitation. Unfortunately, though, seeing as the rest of the family was involved, any lingering traces of distaste for the situation had to be forced down.

He didn't want to see any of them; especially Edward and Rosalie.

Mere passing thoughts of either person brought Marshall back to their last conversation after being outed by Bella. A lot of painful, horrible things were said. A lot of inexcusable things were done. And a very clear recollection of that night never ceased to bring about that same sense of blinding anger he felt when it happened.

An encompassing, raw desire to slaughter those who wronged him—the feeling was a difficult one to forget.

Truth be told, it was unclear if he was actually going to step in if anyone, minus Esme, got hurt.

They hadn't cared when Marshall was forced into mental and emotional anguish. They hadn't cared when he was blatantly ridiculed in regard to his sexual orientation. They hadn't cared when his beautiful, loving relationship was dragged through the mud by people who didn't even try to understand.

Why should he care about them for any physical wounds they may receive?

Besides, ever since the whole ordeal with James transpired, Edward made it a habit to preach to his mate about how capable, fast, and strong the coven was. 

If his words rang true, then the pack wasn't needed to watch over anyone.

If not, well, it wasn't Marshall's mess to clean up now, was it?

Still, he found the current ordeal to be serious enough to warrant an honest reveal pertaining to certain hidden abilities.

"Listen to me carefully, all of you," he commanded over their bulky footfalls. "I know it's extremely uncommon to run into vampires who are gifted. But you guys need to prepare yourselves for the off-chance that you might be dealing with someone who is. Never, not even for a moment, think you've got the upper hand on the person you're fighting. You never know what kinds of tricks they could be hiding up their sleeves.

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