Extra: Paul Tells the Pack About the Imprint Bond

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Note: Hey, everybody! Just wanted to put it out there that this'll be a slightly shorter update. I didn't want to drag it out for the sake of achieving a specific word count. I just really wanted you guys to see how the vampire/wolf bond was viewed in the very beginning before Marshall was actually given a chance to show off his true character. 

This would've taken place literally hours after Paul and Marshall separated after their first meetup in "More than a One Night Stand." Just as a refresher, at this point, only Sam and Jared are members of the pack. Since Emily is an imprint, she's given the greenlight to know about everything as well. Enjoy!


Paul's eyes were downcast.

His hands were joined on the surface of the dining table. Trembling fingers clenched against each other out of nervousness. Sweat formed on the skin of his palms with each uncontrollable spike in body temperature.

His eyebrows were furrowed. Teeth ground against each other. Tightening of the lips worked to keep a deep frown at bay.

With all eyes on him, it was impossible to even attempt to relax.

Not when the situation at hand was so serious.

"...What did you say?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"...I found my imprint. And it's one of the Cullens."

Crickets singing outside seemed amplified against the tense stillness of the dining room.

"But- but how? Are you completely sure-"

"I saw it. The vision you're supposed to get when you imprint on someone. All of the growing together, falling in love, hugs, kisses, general happiness. I saw all of it as soon as I made eye contact with him last night. And I- after I accidentally bumped into him at the bar- I couldn't stay away. I was pulled in without him having to really lift a finger. And that- that's never happened to me before. He made me feel...different."

"He's a leech!" Jared chimed in, his face red in agitation.

"That's not his fault. It just is what he is. I can't think bad of him just because he's a vampire."

"And why the hell not?! You've been doing just fine with that up until now! Because that's how it's always been! Vampires have always been our enemies, and it's always going to be like that! What, suddenly some damned bloodsucker waltzes into your life and changes your mind just like that?!"

"Don't talk about him like that." Paul frowned, doing his best to control his anger. "It's not like I imprinted on him on purpose. I couldn't control it. Just like Sam couldn't control when he imprinted on Em."

"But that's different-"

"Jared." Sam put up a hand to silence his pack mate. "I got it."

"But this is-"

"I got it."

Jared huffed in annoyance. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall and glaring at the floor.

Emily was spotted a few feet away, her worried gaze traveling between each member of the pack.

Sam pulled a chair out. He sat down at the dining table, making eye contact with Paul while doing so.

"I understand how serious this is to you. It's a serious thing for all of us. But you have to see this from our perspective, Paul. A wolf and a vampire? That's never happened before."

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