Alternative: How Jake and Embry Were Originally Supposed to Meet Marshall

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Note: I seem to have a thing for beach parties because this chapter also has one! 😂 I was super close to having this in the final draft, but I ended up liking the scenario I published a lot more. This one is still nice to think about from time to time, so I thought I'd share it. The plot would've happened regardless of how Paul, Sam, and Jared initially met Marshall.

This scene was supposed to be a huge leap for Paul and Marshall's relationship because it would've been the first time the wolves, as a larger pack, got to witness how important and impactful the relationship actually was. Doing so would've inadvertently proved that not all vampires are as they seem, and just because Marshall is a vampire doesn't mean his species says more about who he is as a person than his actions could.

This scene also would've shed light on how serious Marshall and Paul were about being together. It was something that was supposed to come as a genuine shock to some of the wolves because of Paul's previous habit of never staying with the same person for more than a couple days.

With that being said, let's get into it!


The sound of breaking glass did little in terms of getting a rise out of Paul. He actually found the situation to be rather comedic, and he couldn't hold back an amused snicker.

A quiet laugh seemed to exacerbate Jacob's rather emotional outburst.

"You're crazy! No- absolutely, bat-shit insane!"

Emily took a single step forward, her hands clasping in front of her chest. "Come on now, it's not that serious-"

"His imprint is a vampire! He's been fucking a goddamn leech!"

Paul put up a finger to get everyone's attention. Once he had it, both shoulders were raised in an uncaring, nonchalant shrug. "Technically, that's not true."

"Wow, what a relief-"

"More often than not, he fucks me . Two completely different scenarios, really."

Jacob and Embry weren't sure what to say when hearing that. Instead, they stood side by side with eyes wide and mouths agape.

"Hey, you guys are the ones getting all up in my business. I'm just setting the record straight."

Paul leaned against the wall, his arms crossing over his chest. The change in position gave him a wonderful, strong whiff of cologne—one that didn't belong to him—which had seeped into his shirt after a...special meeting with a certain vampire. They'd parted ways hours ago; yet a rich aroma of bergamot mixed with the slightest tinge of lavender remained, having made a claim on Paul's person.

A bundle of warmth erupted in his stomach at the thought. And any negative emotions attempting to rush to the surface were pacified with another delicate inhale.

"Look, instead of giving me some dumbass lecture on why me being with Marsh doesn't work, how about you guys meet him yourselves. Maybe doing so will help you get past your prejudiced views on him. I'm planning on seeing him again tonight during a party at the beach. I'm sure he wouldn't mind meeting more of his growing family."

Rude sucking of teeth was met with a deep frown.

"Leech or not, he's my imprint. Regardless of his vampirism and my heritage, we've chosen to be together. And whether you guys like it or not, he's a proud member of this pack and will continue to stay in it. If you've got any problems with that, you can take it up with the alpha."

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