Extra: The First Kiss to Mean Something More

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Note: Hi, lovelies! This is going to be a much shorter chapter than normal, a little under 1k words. Think of it as a mini update. I wanted to include it, though, because there are never too many moments of Marshall and Paul being cute with each other ❤️I've also been meaning to explore more of Marshall's emotions in terms of early romance since Paul was a gateway of sorts. Enjoy!


Marshall wasn't normally a ticklish person. Because of the venom coursing through his veins, his body didn't react to certain stimuli given by most people. If someone tried to give hard pokes against his side or abdomen, the gesture was usually met with a curious uptick of a single eyebrow. Other times, for the sake of appearing more human when around his friend-circle, perfectly executed yet completely fabricated bouts of laughter were forced out.

Right now, though, with gentle kisses being sprinkled up his back and against his neck, the tingling sensation left in their wake made the vampire chuckle.

"You're rather affectionate today, Tiger."

"I'm just in a good mood. Been a few days since we were last able to see each other." Paul offered another sweet peck. "Think of it as...making up for lost time, yeah?"

A growing smile caused golden eyes to crinkle at the corners.

He wasn't...used to feeling like this.

Physical touch was the only type of intimacy Marshall received on a regular basis. Even then, before meeting his mate, the vampire would never refer to his one night stands as anything more than people he shared a bed with. False declarations of love, need, expectations for future meetups—they never meant anything when coming from the mouth of a tipsy, horny stranger. Bedroom talk held no merit out in public, and that was why Marshall didn't keep in touch with his flings.

Because, in the end, all of their words meant nothing.

They never spoke or met up again afterward, so, really, who would believe the ramblings of someone only capable of thinking with their physical and metaphorical dick?

...Then, thanks to a reciprocated bond, Paul came in and changed everything.

Sometimes, when their faces were close with sounds of pleasure echoing between them, Marshall was overcome by the desire to simply stroke Paul's cheek. The vampire, on multiple occasions, wanted to grab his mate by his handsome face, only to stare in admiration. A greedy part of himself couldn't get enough of it when their chests touched, and a silent heart was cradled in the grasp of a fast, melodic one.

Marshall, inexperienced when it came to romance, wasn't too sure what his heart was currently trying to tell him. Yes, he was well aware platonic feelings were beginning to step into different territory. But he didn't really understand what that meant or what it entailed. He wasn't sure how he'd know when just liking a person would turn into...something more—something entirely foreign.

Would it be obvious when the shift happened? Would he actually feel it?

Paul already caused the occasional phantom blush, butterflies in the stomach, and nervousness that caused Marshall to toy with his hands.

Would there be a clear indicator when being only friends-with-benefits was no longer enough?

Only time would tell.

"Why don't you tell me about your plans for the next few days? I like hearing you talk. Especially when you get all passionate."

Laughing, Marshall began toying with a piece of string coming out from his pillow case. "You really want to hear about that?"

"Of course, Marshmallow. I'm always available to listen to you share a story."

"Well..." A mental checklist appeared in his head. "Work is definitely going to be keeping me busy during the day since we're switching from rehearsals with scripts to rehearsals without scripts. Uhh...Me, Brad, and our choreo manager have been coming up with new routines for the Dance Company. We've been toying with the idea of having another showcase since it's a new season. It's actually been really nice- because we've gotten a lot of new dancers who are just starting out. Seeing the light in their eyes go wild with excitement is so rewarding. It really makes me feel like a senior member passing the torch. Getting to be in that sort of environment just makes me-"

Marshall's cheek was held, and he was guided to turn around. As soon as he was halfway onto his back, perched up on an elbow, he found his world coming to a standstill as a kiss was planted onto his lips.

It was unexpected, but that wasn't why he found himself so caught off guard.

The type of kiss being given wasn't one they'd ever done before.

Normally, daring pecks of the lips were fast paced and plentiful. They acted as a guiding point which led to steamy, memorable encounters in the bedroom.

What they were doing now—it was inherently slow. And...and long lasting.

The hand supporting Marshall's face moved to cup the back of his head, bringing him even closer.

The action brought about a strange need to further savor the moment.

Marshall allowed his surprised expression to relax and for his eyes to drift shut. Doing so somehow made the kiss seem more passionate. More...meaningful. Any words he'd previously considered saying were now caught in his throat. His mind, usually a mess of jumbled thoughts, was now as quiet as the rippling surface of a calm lake. Any skin fortunate enough to make contact with Paul felt sensitive.

Marshall's chest felt so warm.

It was like a universe hidden within him was now expanding, coming to life in a valley of stars.

"Sorry." Paul pulled back, only enough to keep their foreheads resting against each other. "Couldn't help myself. You were talking about your coworkers' eyes lighting up, and yours were doing the same thing, and I just- you looked so pretty, Marshmallow."

The only response he was capable of giving was an unsteady breath.

"You okay? I didn't break you or anything, did I?"

"No, no. I'm..." Marshall gnawed on his bottom lip, emotions continuing to swell inside of him.

So that's what it felt like.

"Everything's perfect."

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