Brad's Survival Arc: Part 17

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Music was playing from the kitchen, spreading into the dining room and seeping toward those taking residence on the porch. Friendly banter was traded over delicious helpings of s'mores, soft sugar cookies, crema catalana, and Spanish hot cocoa. With a crisp, frigid temperature clinging to the surrounding area, everyone was dressed in weather-appropriate garb: oversized hoodies, sweatpants, worn jeans, boots, an occasional scarf. The air had a certain frosty tinge to an otherwise sweet, pine-like scent, meaning it was possible for them to expect snow soon.

Fortunately, the skies were clear and would remain so for the rest of the night.

It was roughly 11pm. Every aspect of peaceful life, whether it be cars, trees, flowers, or a thriving lawn, was covered in pale rays of light. Soon, it'd be time for everyone to head out so they could go to the beach to experience a rare celestial phenomenon.

Brad watched the horizon with half-lidded eyes. His hands were folded peacefully in his lap. His ankles were crossed over each other, swinging back and forth as they dangled over the porch ledge. Light humming surrounded him with an aura of tranquility.

Sorrow brewed deep within his heart.

A month.

An entire month had gone by since Marshall was last seen in person. He'd missed a plethora of occasions which were usually enjoyed together: changing of the seasons, early autumn festivals, nighttime pumpkin patches, spooky hayrides. So much time passed since his initial departure, even his birthday was soon to approach within the coming hours. And...he still wasn't home yet.

Brad hoped, wherever Marshall was, he at least had people to celebrate with him. That he'd be surrounded by love and laughter and warmth and every wonderful thing he could ever ask for. That, despite being away from his family, he'd be able to have a joyous birthday without having to worry about anything else.

Because Marshall deserved to bask in peaceful radiance shining down upon him, especially while traversing a significantly dark period in his existence. 

"Do you have a moment?"

Torn out of his thoughts, Brad glanced over his shoulder. "That depends. What for?"

" talk. Please."

He turned his attention back toward the sky. "Fine."

Heavy footfalls sauntered onto the porch. They grew louder and louder until stopping right beside him. Within his peripheral vision, it was easy to make out the bottom half of a pair of ripped jeans. The person wearing them sat down, further revealing a red, blue, and gray plaid sweater. Plastic buttons on the left sleeve were toyed with out of clear nervousness.

Brad clenched his jaw to stomp out some unwarranted excitement attempting to brew within him. "Whatever it is better be important-"

"I'm sorry."

Leah's voice sounded weak. It wavered in a manner which revealed how close she was to shedding tears. Which was a detail capable of catching anyone off guard. Her genuine pain, burdens, and weaknesses—her most brutal feelings were being laid out in front of her for the world to see. She was wearing her emotions on her sleeve; which was surprising since the only one she would ever show in the past was rage.

Brad did his best to not let specific expectations bubble to the surface. "Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for everything," Leah lamented. "I'm sorry for not taking your bond with Marsh seriously. I'm sorry for ever making it seem like what you guys have doesn't mean anything. I'm sorry for leaving you behind to go take care of that coven of leeches. I'm sorry our separation caused you so much pain. I'm so sorry that my feelings about stuff from the past got in the way of us being able to grow. Of me being able to grow. I'm sorry I was trapped in a stubborn, never-moving-forward type of mindset. It wasn't fair to you- or me- or anyone else. I really, really can't apologize enough for all the agony I've caused because I was never able to let things go- or pursue good things for myself because I was too concerned about stuff that didn't actually matter. Brad, really- I'm so sorry."

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