Brad's Survival Arc: Part 20

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"What do you make of all this, hermano?"

"Well, it's certainly not good news. I'd like to say grief makes people do crazy stuff. At the same time, especially when it comes to her and that family- they all had the proclivity to show their true colors when backed into a corner. Edward chose to abandon his humanity before I killed him. It wouldn't surprise me if his wife did the same after finding out her husband is dead."

Marshall propped his phone between his ear and shoulder. Doing so freed his hands, making it easier to steer a newly refurbished motorcycle which was being guided along the stone pathway. He could make out his destination clearly, the small house sitting in a large clearing. The place showed signs of life, so he made sure to keep his voice low so as to not alert anyone of his presence yet.

Brad had just finished telling Marshall everything he knew about the whole ordeal with Bella deserting Charlie. Marshall wanted to say he was surprised by things turning out this way. But, honestly, it would be a lie. He knew Bella, even before being turned, revolved her entire world around Edward. She constantly lied to her father for the sake of having a certain type of freedom when it came to her relationship. Charlie had been labeled as an annoying, overprotective, overbearing parent; which, in Marshall's eyes, was complete and utter bullshit.

Charlie was simply acting as any loving, rightfully concerned parent would. He wanted his daughter to live a fulfilling life and be happy—just not at the expense of throwing everything away for a guy she barely even knew. He set specific rules in place because he could tell the connection Edward had with Bella was...putting it politely, quite strange. 

They both had an unhealthy obsession with each other that went beyond most mated relationships. They didn't care about their friends, families, or hobbies. They only cared about being with the other person and didn't pay any mind to any casualties brought on by their intense companionship. They would've been happy to watch the world burn if it meant they could achieve everything they'd wanted.

Charlie, above all else, was just doing what he thought would keep his daughter safe.

And she repaid said sentiment by breaking his heart and abandoning him.

Marshall knew Bella was most likely cutting ties because she was gearing herself up to become a stronger vampire.

To hunt him down for the sake of avenging Edward.

The thought didn't scare him in the slightest, of course. Marshall just felt bad for the people who were being harmed and dragged into a situation which didn't have anything to do with them.

He made a mental note to reach out to Charlie later to see how he was doing.

"Hey, listen, I gotta run. But if you find anything else out, let me know, okay? We can talk about this more when I get back."

"Yeah, no worries. Paul, Leah, and I should be done with patrol within the next twenty-ish minutes. We'll wait for you so we can start prepping dinner together."

"I appreciate it, Romero. You guys be safe, yeah?"

"Course. I'll see you in a bit, Marsh."

Offering a quick, "Love you", Marshall hung up the phone. The device was slid into his pocket right as he approached a small house. A long ramp traveled up toward the main entrance. A rectangular-shaped package was waiting on the welcome mat, cardboard a bit soaked from a persistent drizzle.

Marshall was about to ascend the ramp to ring the bell; however, the door opened before he had the chance.

He put forward a friendly smile. "Evening, Billy."

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