Deleted: Marshall's Bond with Renesmee

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Note: Almost immediately after writing "Bark vs. Bite", the chapter in Pretty Boy where Marshall first meets Renesmee, I considered adding a part in the main story focusing on the growth of their familial relationship. I didn't, however, because I felt like it wasn't a super substantial addition to the overall plot. Still, though, there are two instances that have been on my mind pretty heavily which really shed light on how they ended up becoming so close. One happens when she's still a young, young baby, and the other happens when she resembles an older, more intellectual child.

There will be a tiny bit of new character lore added that wasn't in the main story, so get ready for that!

Also, before continuing, I just wanted to announce that after this chapter, there's a post credit chapter, one more Extra chapter, and then...

The section we've all been waiting for:


I hope you're all ready for something wild when those parts get put out! 😎


Being in the Cullen house was still an uncomfortable experience.

Even though Marshall had agreed to put past grievances behind him, he was still firm in his belief that it was going to take time to actually do so. Warming up to people he frequently saw as strangers, regardless of their familial bonds, wasn't an easy goal to achieve. Especially when he was used to his ex coven mates lying, or saying one thing and proceeding to do the exact opposite for their own benefit. There was a bit of concealed fear of everyone collectively pretending to try so they could gain Marshall's favor to use him for something in the future. 

Some people had more promise than others when it came to change, of course. But aside from Carlisle and Esme, Marshall didn't trust the other vampires of the Olympic coven. Proclamations of turning a new leaf were still seen as, to be perfectly blunt, bullshit.

He was actually rather thankful of Renesmee because her newfound presence helped to dissipate some of the awkward tension lingering around the room.

A very loud, crowded, active room.

Marshall and Paul were occupying a corner space near the entryway. Everyone else situated themselves in different spots to either engage in conversation with each other or entertain themselves. 

Bella, Edward, Esme, and Rosalie were in the process of trying to calm down a hysterical Renesmee. 

Her cheeks were flushed. A few dried tear tracks went all the way down to her chin. An adorable little pout was accompanied by a faint quivering of her lower lip. The sobs which escaped her weren't particularly loud; but since vampires and wolves had naturally heightened hearing, the ordeal was overwhelming to a certain degree.

The stereo had been put on in an attempt to divert her attention elsewhere.

Continuous wailing proved the method to be ineffective.

Edward scratched at his head in confusion. "I'm really not sure what's wrong. She has a clean diaper. She's eaten. She isn't due for a nap any time soon."

"...Maybe she doesn't like your music."

All eyes flew toward Marshall's direction.

He leaned further into his husband's space, uncomfortable at being stared at by so many people. 

A warm hand dragging up and down the length of his spine was enough to help him calm down.

"That wasn't meant to come off as a jab at your personal taste. I'm just saying. Chances are that little miss Ladybug could be bored and might not like what's playing. Probably even wants someone to sing to her. She's upset, and hearing a familiar voice might pop the foggy bubble she's stuck in right now."

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