Deleted: The Bond Between Marshall, Brad, and the Pack

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Note: I've been waiting so long to post this chapter!!! I wanted the events in this book to go (mostly) in chronological order with the main one, so I had to hold myself back from putting this up. I'm only really letting the Extra/Alternative parts have some leeway. Still, I feel that same sense of excitement when it comes to Brad's Survival Arc (because SO much is going into that) and other parts I don't want to spoil! This one is so meaningful to me because it sheds light on how much Marshall truly cares for Brad, and how the pack comes to see him as one of their own too.

With the New Moon chapters coming to a close soon, and because I've brought up Brad's Survival Arc, I'd like some feedback from you guys! The section of chapters regarding Brad's life as a vampire is supposed to happen toward the end of Eclipse and runs all the way to the end of Breaking Dawn. Would you guys want me to write Brad's Arc at the end of Eclipse as planned, and then, when it's done, circle back around for the canon compliant Breaking Dawn extras? Or would you rather I do it the other way around where the Breaking Dawn extras are first (there are only 5 planned so far, but that might change) and follow that by doing Brad's Arc? Either way is fine with me. I'd just like to know how you, from a reader's POV, feel about it. Let me know! 😊

All that being said, get ready for some angst, fluff, and cute moments for this special (and longer) chapter!


"You know, normally when someone pisses me off, I tell them to go suck my dick or kiss my ass. But I don't want to give you the pleasure of thinking you ever could. So how about you go fuck yourself instead."

"Listen here, you damn leech-"

"See, I would. But the complete and utter bullshit you're spouting is overshadowing any intellectual capabilities you might have. So rather than lose any more sanity by continuing this conversation, I think I'm going to walk away and do something that won't cause my brain to leak out of my ears. Cool? Cool. Now, kindly, fuck off."

Marshall did his best to ignore the incessant shouts following behind him. They continued to get more unhinged with each step taken closer to an open entryway. Scuffling of chair legs rubbing against the floor made a sharp screech resonate throughout the room. It was followed by annoyed huffs as someone presumably grabbed Leah to keep her from starting a physical altercation with a certain vampire. Seth's calmer voice could be heard in the background as well, but it was difficult to hear him with his sister choosing to continue her unnecessary meltdown.

Crossing his arms, Marshall leaned against the front door's frame. Strands of hair fell into his field of vision, but he couldn't be bothered to move them. Instead, he forced himself to take controlled breaths in an attempt to calm himself down.

He really didn't understand how Leah had the energy to pick fights every single time she came over.

It was honestly insane—having that level of anger and only having the idea to put others down to expel it.

Marshall wasn't going to lie, he didn't like Leah. He barely tolerated her presence—only really doing so out of respect for their shared connection as pack members. Despite being family, however, similarly with the Cullens, it seemed ties joining them together didn't mean anything.

In Leah's eyes, even if he was an imprint, Marshall would never be anything but a bloodsucking murderer.

And she would never accept him.

Which, truth be told, wasn't actually a bothersome realization.

In some ways, Leah was a lot like Rosalie: unwavering to biased, prejudiced views; hotheaded when she didn't get her way; confrontational at the most minor of inconveniences.

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