The Dream Team

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George's POV

"Bye gamers! Like and subscribe!" I said to the recording camera. A swooshing noise sounded behind me and I whipped my head around to investigate the cause. I burst into laughter and Sapnap followed, shrieking his head off. 

"Haha! The curtain- ahaha- the curtain just broke-" I choked out, spluttering. I gasped and started laughing again, stopping the video recording I would publish later on YouTube. Sapnap laughed until I slapped him on the back.

"Ow!" Sapnap complained, craning his arm around to touch where I smacked him. I laughed. "Dreamie! Join us-" I started to whine but Dream burst into the room and yelled, "FLORIDA, THE DREAM TEAM IS LIVING TOGETHER!"

I laughed. "YEAAAAAAH!" I shrieked. Dream slapped me on the head. "Shut up, dickhead," Dream said. "I can't believe I'm living with this idiot for life," I grumbled. "Too bad, Gogy." Dream ruffled my hair. 

I blushed at the familiar nickname. I'd had a crush on my best friend for a year, but he could not know that. It would ruin our friendship, and life without Dream would be unbearable.

This was why I wasn't looking forward to my 20th birthday. If I turned into a half-animal, I might be more revealing in my actions. I heard a case where a man had murdered his wife and when the police asked him about it, his tail kept giving him away. Wagging when he was panicked, drooping when he was afraid. The police didn't even need a lie detector; they could just see the man's tail.

Of course, I'm not planning on murdering Dream any day, but you know, just an example.

In this world, everyone is born with a set of DNA that turns you into a half-animal when you turn 20. So if you were born at 12:01:33 a.m., you would change into a half-animal on your 20th birthday at that exact time. But when you're born, the doctors inject something into your veins that forms into a chip that prevents that DNA from working.

But the government declared they would program some virus into the chip that would make it have a 50/50 chance of disintegrating into your blood and unblocking that DNA. If not, it would stay for life and you wouldn't turn into a half-animal. 

But it wasn't necessary for your animal side to turn into the same gender as your human side. A man could turn into an animal, but he could turn into the female version of one. His anatomy might change to adapt to his animal side sometimes, but his physical features would always change along with it and he would think like a female version of his animal.

One of our friends, Quackity, had already reached his 20th birthday five months ago and had turned into a half-gander. He had brown feathery wings sticking out of his back and parts of his hair had turned into soft black and white feathers that blended in with his hair. His lips had turned the colour of a silver, metal dark grey. He had specially made shirts for his tail that stuck out from the bottom of his spine.

He had also mentally changed. He now was obsessed with water and loved to eat eelgrass now. After taking a test at the hospital, he found out he was a branta, a kind of black geese. It explained why Quackity loved eelgrass and water now. His silvery lips were the colour of a branta goose's beak, which also explained the mysterious, unusual colour.

Dream had also gone through his 20th birthday four months ago and didn't turn into a half-animal. His dirty-blonde hair was same as ever, his figure the same, and from what I could tell, he hadn't changed in the mental department. 

I was going to have my 20th birthday in 2 weeks, and I didn't want to turn into a half-animal. Why? Just scroll back up a few paragraphs to where I'm talking about Dream. Yeah, that's it. 

Sapnap would celebrate his 20th birthday in 3 days, and I would follow 11 days after. Then our friend Karl would also celebrate next month. 

But for now, I'd celebrate what might be my last days of being a normal human being.

"Can we go to the shopping centre?" I pleaded.

Dream and Sapnap cocked their heads to the side in confusion. "You mean shopping mall?" Sapnap laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Yes." 

5 minutes later, we were in Sapnap's car and on the way to IKEA. "Why do you wanna go to a mall anyways?" Dream asked. I shrugged. "Bored." 

"Hey guys, let's listen to the best song ever!" Sapnap yelled.

The intro of "Mask" floated out of the open car window and into the streets. "God, please no," Dream put his head in his hands. "Yes!" I giggled.

"I wear a mask with a smil-" Sapnap sang but was interrupted by me. "No no, let's skip to the chorus!" 

I dragged the song all the way to the chorus and yelled, "SO YOU CAN SEE I'M TRYIN', YOUR WON'T SEE ME CRYIN'-" "I'LL JUST KEEP ON SMILING I'M GOOD," Dream abruptly joined in.

I stared at Dream, entranced. Hearing his voice in real life was a lot nicer than hearing it from an electronic device. His voice could be as rough as stone and as smooth as butter. He could sing loudly but he could also drop his voice to a soft, soothing voice that calmed the most distraught people down.

Sapnap stuck a hand out and pinched me without taking his eyes off the road. "Hey!" I complained. "Why'd you pinch me?" "What do you think, simp? You were staring at Dream!" Sapnap smiled. "Gogy loooooooves Dreamie!" he sang.

I was about to reply when we reached IKEA, so I put it behind me and hopped out of the car.

Sapnap's POV

I parked the car and George hopped out of the car, tearing off to the shopping mall. Dream followed in an amused fashion and I locked my car.

How did Dream not see it? George is so obviously in love with him! How he blushes everytime Dream calls him Gogy or pretty boy. Once off-stream, George fell out of his chair when Dream called him, "Baby~" as a joke.

I don't know if Dream likes him back, but I'm willing to bet yes, and if not, Dream's gonna crush on him back pretty soon.

Oh, Sapnap the Great, how do you know?  you might ask.

My answer is: I just know. I can read people. 

Anyway, we exited IKEA 1 hour later, George holding a lamp that he took 40 minutes to decide on. The rest 20 minutes was him stressing if it was too expensive. 

When we reached home, George started to unbox the lamp excitedly(why was he so excited?) and pulled out the light. It was blue and white with the word IKEA written in a small font at the bottom. I grinned and snatched it away. "Hey!" George said. He tried snatching it back but Dream fortunately swooped in and grabbed it. 

"Dreaaaaaaaaam..." George was trying to reach the lamp Dream currently held out of reach by tip-toeing.

Author's Note: everyone's bdays are the thumbnail or whatever you call it above :) I honestly don't know what is it called someone please tell me

tommy is a year younger. everyone will reach their 20th bday this year, but tommy will celebrate it next year(crucial to the plot)

i have a to-do list :D

1. ask Malaysians to drink water

2. beg the world to stay safe


Word Count: 1246

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