Wilbur's POV
I stood in the middle of an open meadow. Looking down at my legs, I realized I was barefoot and only dressed in... was it a hospital gown? Then I remembered.
Big Q.
The grass tickled my ankles as I stumbled toward the black figure and the white one which flew in the air. The white figure noticed me and started to drift away, and I desperately cried out, "Wait!"
The black figure slowly slithered towards me, the grass making rustling noises as they were disturbed.
I tripped and fell, but instead of hitting the moist, damp earth, I kept falling... and falling...
Then I was in an empty white void, floating in space. The white figure approached me out of nowhere and spoke in a gruff, deep voice, "William Gold?"
I nodded. "W-Where am I?" I asked. "The void between life and death," the white figure replied. "I'm Life and I'm here to take you to the side of death."
"Wait... take me?" I trembled. My hands shook. "Y-You can't do that yet!"
The white figure stretched a hand out towards me. "You do not have a choice. Come here."
I frantically shook my head, taking a few steps away from the white figure. "N-No. I'm only 20! I can't go yet..." I pleaded.
The white figure walked to me. "No excuses. Come now."
"No... no!" I cried, tears flowing down my face. "I won't!" I turned around and ran off, my footsteps echoing behind me in the infinite space.
My vision became blurry as my eyes filled with more unshed tears and I smashed headfirst into someone and I fell down.
A dark shadow loomed over me and I screamed, covering my face. "No!"
A gentle, melodic, airy voice spoke softly. "I won't hurt you, William. Don't worry." It was the dark figure I saw just now in the meadow. "Who're you?" I asked with a quiver in my voice.
"I'm Death," the dark figure replied cheerfully, lifting up the side of her dark clock to reveal bones. "I'm going to help you, William."
"Death! What are you doing?" Life said, landing in between me and Death. "He's supposed to go to your side."
"Life, he has so much more to live for," Death protested. "I see great potential in him. He could change the world."
"That doesn't mean he can just go back to his world," Life argued. "If we let everyone do that, the your palaces and jails would be empty."
"Life, let William go," Death begged. "If you do that, I'll give you my scythe for a day."
Life's frown faltered. Then it split into a wide grin. "I 'spose it'd be OK just this once..."
Life turned to me. "William, you're a lucky fella today. Death here-" he shot a grinning Death a glare- "Has persuaded me. You can live."
"Thank you," I whispered. Death smiled and turned to me. "William, you can go now. Just take this." She placed a little pocket watch into my palm. It was charcoal black with little white engravings on the sides. "This pocket watch will display the health-physically and mentally- on the little engravings on the sides of whoever holds it."
"If you lose it, your time on Earth will lessen by a quarter, because this is extremely valuable. Do you understand, William?"
"Yes," I nodded. "I'll never lose it," I added earnestly.
Death softly smiled. "William, can you stay here for a few days? You need someone to escort you back to Earth. Me and Life are too busy. We'll give you a room to stay in for a bit."
I was really anxious to get back to Earth, but I didn't want to worry Death or Life, so I smiled and nodded. "I don't mind."
Life smiled gruffly. "K, let's get you a room." As he said that, a room materialized around us.
It was my room on Earth.
"My room!" I gasped happily. "Thank you!"
Death laughed, which sounded like tinkling bells in the wind. "Don't mention it, William. If you'll excuse us, we're gonna go now. We'll come back tomorrow to check on you."
I smiled and waved as Death and Life disappeared into thin air.
Quackity's POV
"He isn't... dead?" Karl said quietly, his voice quivering.
Was he?
I stuffed my phone into Tubbo's hand and ran out of the room, sobbing, blinded by sadness.
He isn't... dead? Karl's question rang in my head. How could I answer Karl when I wasn't sure myself?
He isn't dead, he isn't dead, I told myself.
He isn't dead.
He is.
Not yet.
Author's Note: just know i got scolded by my teacher becuz i was inattentive in online tuition today cuz i was writing this
im sorry its so short (T-T) i'll post another one on Sat like i promised in the previous author's note
thanks to MyNameIsNowDiosa for following me :3
its 9:21 p.m. and i should be sleeping now so
even tho im gonna make an announcement about this in the conversations sections i wanted to say im changing the way I write my author notes as you can see below so don't think I'm updating so fast
anyways have a good day/afternoon/night and stay safe!! <3
Word Count: 834

Purr For Me (DNF)
FanfictionEveryone is born with DNA that turns them into a half-animal that describes their personality or suits their looks best. Once a child is born, a chip is installed into them to block that DNA. But the moment you turn 20, that chip has a chance of spo...