Happy Birthday, Karl!

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Karl's POV

"Karl," Sapnap whispered, gently shaking me. "Happy birthday! Wake up, it's your birthday!"

I turned away and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to fall asleep again. Quackity and I had been talking all night over the phone and celebrating the fact that Wilbur and him were a couple. I only managed to sleep for a few hours. 

"Let me sleep," I groaned tiredly. "Holy fuck, you have bags under your eyes," Sapnap exclaimed. "Did you not sleep last night?"

"I did. For a few hours." I yawned again and pulled the blanket higher over me until it reached my chin. "Wake up, c'mon," Sapnap laughed, trying to pull it off me, but I resisted and tugged it further on. Sapnap's face grew concerned as he noted how insistent I was on hiding my body, and he took it the wrong way when in reality, I was just very cold.

"You aren't- you know... hurting yourself, right? In the middle of the night?" he asked worriedly with hesitation lacing his words.

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "No, I'm not!"

He gave me a relieved smile. "Alright. But can- can I check, just in case?"

I rolled back my sleeves and showed my skin, unmarked. "Here you go."

His eyes quickly took a look and nodded. "Alright. Just wanted to check. And you can always find me if you need help or just to talk, OK?"

I smiled back at Sapnap. "Yeah. Thanks for asking."

He responded by making eyes at me and said, "OK, now, get up." He leaned back and hauled me out of bed. 

"Get ready in ten," he said, giving me a quick kiss on my cheek before disappearing from his own room. I gently brushed the part he kissed me with the tips of my fingers before going to the bathroom with a smile on my face.

Sapnap's POV

Karl came down the stairs and went to the sofa to sit down. "Morning, guys!" he chirped happily. 

"Morning, Karl! Happy birthday!" Dream yelled over the sizzling noise of the pan at the stove, where he was making breakfast. I'd been surprised George wasn't with him, giving Dream I-love-you eyes.

"Happy birthday!" George smiled as Karl sat next to him. "Quackity and Wilbur are on their way. They've been acting weird. Have you noticed?"

"They have? I didn't realize," Karl shrugged, his head resting on George's shoulder, eyes closed as he tried to sleep. 

"Wilbur was scarily cheerful the other day," Dream reported. "And you could tell Quackity wanted to say something, but he kept quiet."

"Maybe they're dating," I suggested.

"Oh, I-I don't think they are," Karl said hurriedly, eyelids flying open and sitting up straight.

"Why not?" George persisted. "I've never told anyone until now, but I thought they both looked pretty good together. And their personalities compliment each other in a way."

Karl kept quiet, which concerned me. Dream backed George up.

"Yeah, I agree with George. Wilbur and Quackity are actually perfect for each other," Dream said, managing to cradle four plates in his arm while holding his apron. He carefully set the plates on the table with a clatter. "Get up here and eat."

George instantly obeyed Dream and went over to the table, grabbing a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. Me, being at the table already, put a hand over one seat so Karl could sit next to me.

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