this is the last post from this book.
i'm finishing this story for good.
this is my second book on wattpad here, and it's finally done.
i wrote this starting on 17th june, 2023, and it ends today, 27th june, 2024. this story lasted a year and 10 days! that's 375 days in total!
as of now, this book ends with 19571 reads, 817 votes, and 321 engaged readers.
people from the usa, brazil, peru, mexico, turkey, finland, australia, france, germany and many other countries have read this book! i'm so glad that my story reached so many others around the world; we all are so far away from each other, but also close, in a way.
this book has had a lot of support, especially from the people below:
first of all, thank you to MyNameIsNowDiosa, who was the first person that commented on my book and offer endless encouragement!
a big, big note of appreciation for Dom221234 who reread and reread and reread this book! you have my respect for reading this so many times!
and to Ashem_Beloved, Tofueatingowl, sweetmushroomgogy, 1-800-IamLESBIAN, Italianandgay, Wander_the_WorldWing and so, so many others, my gratitude for you is as uncountable as the stars in the night sky.
for those who weren't mentioned, it's not because i don't care about you, its because there are too many names to remember and i can't recall yours- but you are still deeply appreciated!
and to lolyukimaxlol who recently just started reading and left 10+ comments in one day for me to read, you are amazing!
and now for the word count! here are the results:
word count excluding the epilogues: 70450
word count including the epilogues: 77690
and now, before i end this story, thank you all again for reading to the very end, for reading this book with its cringiness and flaws. i am extremely grateful for everyone here.
and now, for the last time...
stay safe and see you guys in my next story!

Purr For Me (DNF)
FanficEveryone is born with DNA that turns them into a half-animal that describes their personality or suits their looks best. Once a child is born, a chip is installed into them to block that DNA. But the moment you turn 20, that chip has a chance of spo...