Epilogue 2

189 9 23

Third Person POV

"Dream," George choked out, squeezing the dirty blonde's hand tightly. "It hurts. Dream, please- it hurts."

"I know it does," Dream whispered, trying to hide his tears. "It's temporary, George, OK? We'll have our child soon, George, it's OK." He wiped away the tear streaks on George's face.

"Sir," a nurse softly spoke up. "I'll have to ask you to move to the side just a little, is that alright? The doctor is getting ready to deliver your baby."

"Oh, of course," Dream hurriedly went to George's side. "You'll be fine, George," he repeated. "It's OK."

-time skip bc i ain't writing stuff i don't feel comfortable writing-

It was over the moment a baby's cry filled the room.

Dream's tightly-squeezed hand was released. George grunted as he strained to sit up and see his baby.

"Please wait, sir," a nurse gently pushed George back down into a lying position. "The doctor has to install the chip into your baby. It'll only take a few minutes."

As promised, the doctor returned, a big smile on her face. "Congratulations," she beamed. "You two have a baby boy."

Dream's mind immediately raced ahead to the future with his son, his very own son, and everything they could do together. It was enthralling, knowing all the possibilities for the years to come.

The doctor approached George. "Would you like to see him?"

George eagerly held his hands out and practically snatched his baby away from the doctor's arms. He devoured every feature on the little swaddled child, from how his nose was Dream's to how his lips were a pale pink like George's.

"Dream," George murmured. "Look. He has your eyes."

Dream slowly picked the baby up from George's arms and noticed that yes, the child had his eyes. A brilliant, striking green, with the coarse amount of dark brown hair that he was born with.

"He has your hair," Dream said, a large smile on his face. "And I thought you wanted a girl?"

"When did I ever say that?" George said, taking his child back and smiling down at him.

"You did-" Dream shook his head. 

"We're fathers," George grinned, ignoring Dream, euphoria overwhelming him like a drug. "We're parents!"

George had no more tears -of pain or happiness- to shed, only joy to proclaim to the world. Dream, on the other hand, had plenty of tears.

So he let them fall without wiping them away. Love for the child engulfed him like a wave, burning bright and hot.

 And as George's eyes fell onto the crying child, the brunette knew that he would never, ever, love someone as much as this. 

This was how it felt to be willing to die for someone.

-time skip-

"Make sure not to let my son work too hard!" George's mum nagged Dream before she closed the blinds of the hospital room. "Love you, George!" his dad stuck a hand through the curtain and waved.

"Love you too, Mum, Dad!" George responded. "Bye, Mr. Mrs. Huff!"

Dream's parents merely smiled, their eyes saying a thousand words, before stepping out of the room.

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