Some Kinda Birthday, Huh?

483 22 11

Sapnap's POV

The house was silent. Dream and George trying to distract themselves, cleaning up the guest bedroom for Tubbo and Tommy when they came back from the hospital. Since Wilbur was the patient

I was sitting down on the sofa with Karl's head leaning on my shoulder. "S-Some kinda birthday, huh?" I said, trying to lighten the mood. 

I felt Karl's hand slip into mine and squeeze tightly. "Sapnap, I-I'm scared. What if Wilbur..." Karl didn't finish his sentence.

"Wilbur won't die. Tommy and Tubbo will call us later to inform us all, and I don't think it'll be bad," I tried to reassure my boyfriend(my boyfriend of like, 2 hours), but Karl wasn't convinced. "I don't think Wilbur's OK. I feel something's wrong," Karl stressed.

I pecked him on the lips. "He'll be OK. Don't worry."

George's POV

The room was silent as me and Dream tidied up the guest room. There wasn't a sound to be heard except for the occasional clink of object knocking against each other as we moved them and the rustles of the bedsheets we spread.

I finally found my voice. "D-Dream..." I managed to croak out, my voice raw. Dream hummed in response. "I-I don't think W-Wilbur's going to be OK. I... I have this feeling..." I stammered, my voice hitching at the end.

"George." Dream placed the end of the bedsheet down and grasped my shoulders. "He'll be OK. Believe me. Please."

I looked into those green eyes that I saw as yellow. I often joked about seeing them as piss yellow, but in reality, they were like gleaming shades of gold to me. 

"OK," I sighed. Dream closed his eyes and exhaled. "We're done," Dream said, tucking in the last corner of the bedsheet.  "Let's go find Sap and Karl."

Dream walked down the stairs to the living room and I followed. Dream abruptly stopped and held an arm out. "Wait... look at this."

I peeked from behind Dream's arm. Karl and Sapnap were curled up together on the sofa. Sapnap was saying something about Wilbur not dying. Karl was worrying about Wilbur. Then Sapnap leaned down (he was seated in an upright position and Karl was leaning on Sapnap's shoulder, so he's somewhat taller) and brushed his lips against Karl's.

"He'll be OK. Don't worry," Sapnap soothed. Dream turned around with the most shocked and amused look on his face. "They... just..."  Dream whispered frantically and excitedly.

"What" was all I could say at the moment. "What. What."

Dream turned to me. "When do you think this happened?" I shrugged. "Should we confront? Or keep quiet?" Dream whispered lest Karl and Sapnap heard us.

I found my voice. "W-We should keep quiet. We don't know if they meant it that way," I voiced my opinion. "And they might not be comfortable with us knowing yet."

"Fair enough," Dream agreed. "Let's pretend we didn't see."

We casually walked out but when we saw a full blast of Sapnap's worried face and Karl's tearful one, we were hit by what was still happening. Was Wilbur going to be OK?

Dream's POV

"H-Hey, guys," Karl greeted. "You guys are done with cleaning up the guest room?" George nodded, saying, "Yeah."

We all fell into an awkward silence for a moment, with was new for us. I spoke quietly. "Do you guys think Wilbur is OK?"

Sapnap groaned. "I just told Karl not to worry and now I have to deal with two more?"

George smiled sadly and we both sat down opposite Sapnap and Karl. I took my phone out and everyone followed suit, trying to distract ourselves on Twitter. I scrolled through fanart and found Wilbur fanart.

The Wilbur in the fanart was smiling with his antlers on his head, and Tommy and Tubbo were standing on Wilbur's left, arms around each other.

I made a mental note to show Wilbur this piece of fanart if- when he came back from the hospital.

Just then, Sapnap's phone rang. Karl snatched it away and answered the call, saying quickly, "Quackity."

Karl put the call on speaker and spoke. "Hello, Quackity?"

"K-Karl? Is that you?" Quackity's voice sounded broken, as if he had just stopped crying. "Yes, it's me," Karl said calmly, even though we all knew he was panicking inside. "How is Wilbur?"

Quackity said nothing except for a screamed, pained sob. 

"Quackity, Wilbur's OK, right? He isn't... dead?" Karl asked.

Suddenly Tubbo spoke from Quackity's phone. "Hey... it's Tubbo. Quackity... he's completely lost it. He's gone out of the room."

"Wilbur's dead?" Sapnap panicked. "He's not, right?"

"No... he's alive," Tommy said, voice devoid of emotion, a flat, monotone voice. 

"But... he's..." Tubbo sniffled. "He's..."

"He's in a coma."

Author's Note: im soooo sorry its so short (ToT)

sorry for no updates for a WEEK because i was on holiday and I SAW FIREFLIESSSS

i seriously dunno what im doing with my stories i just go, 'ok lets see what shocks people the most and go with that!'

im coughing. and i have the flu. save me.

im actually writing this in my literature class because im bored and alr understand what to do

anyways im in a lousy mood rn so-

goodbye guys


Word Count: 835

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