i am in a TOWERING TEMPER right now
because of this one person from school
ok so lets call this dude SB (it means 傻逼 which means idiot in english)
so my school has this ginormous auditorium and if you go up the stairs and exit this door, theres a huge space and a gate in front where parents pick their children up
which means we wait for our parents/guardians to pick us up thereso on tuesday, SB grabbed my bag THREE times and refused to give it back to me
the first time, he dragged it down the goddamn STAIRS and my water bottle tumbled out and spilled 50% of my water out
the second time, he carried it down the road and either purposely or accidentally (idk which) dropped it, leaving me to pick my bag up without offering help or even an apology
the third time, i was talking to my bf when he stole it and guess what?
my grandfather arrived and was waiting for me to go to him so we could go home
so i told SB 'give me my bag' and he said no
and i just saw red and screamed, 'SB GIVE ME BACK MY BAG! I NEED TO GO NOW!'
then without a word he just drops my bag and walks off
i was fuming but eventually calmed down
on wednesday, we had extra classes that last until 3:30 and he didnt do anything
but today (thursday) he did it AGAIN but even worse
it was starting to rain
and my bf was trying to find his umbrella
and SB was like 'give me your umbrella' and SNATCHED IT OUT OF MY BF'S HAND
and he ran off with it
so i got annoyed (i use that term loosely - i was mad) and chased him
until i lost track of him and went back up
SB returns after a bit and tosses the umbrella to my bf and tells me 'your so weak and slow you couldnt even catch me' i ignored that because i couldnt get angrier
or so i thought
then he stole my bag again and ran down the road with it
and i asked him 'SB give me back my bag' and he went 'nope'
and of course i got reallllly mad and screamed, 'SB GIVE. ME. BACK. MY. BAG!' and the security guard went 'SB! GET BACK HERE!'
and everyone who havent went home yet looked at me :/ i have social anxiety but i was actually so mad i didnt get nervous
SB just grinned and ran back up and dropped my bag onto the floor
my grandfather arrived and so i had to go, but not before tossing the words, 'SB im telling teacher' over my shoulder to SB
my bf chased after me and was like 'no dont tell teacher i can talk to him, plus hes going through some rough shit rn' and i was still mad so i shook him off
then when i got home he messaged me on discord, 'please dont tell teacher what SB did its just teasing'
JUST TEASING! i fumed silently but went 'ok if he does it again im telling teacher and not backing down'
seriously i was in a royal snit just now but im not so mad anymore (still mad)
but now im doubting if this is teasing or bullying? can someone tell me please
anyways if you read through this whole thing and are not mad yet i actually salute you
thank you for sitting through my rant and see you guys next chapter!!
this might be the longest author's note ive ever written lol-
edit: its the next day(friday) and I didnt see him at school. im guessing he got scared and skipped school-

Purr For Me (DNF)
FanficEveryone is born with DNA that turns them into a half-animal that describes their personality or suits their looks best. Once a child is born, a chip is installed into them to block that DNA. But the moment you turn 20, that chip has a chance of spo...