Epilogue 5

128 9 15

-2 years, 3 months old-

"Look at this, Oliver," Dream said to his son, who was sitting on his thighs. "This was your Dada when he was younger!"

Dream was showing Oliver pictures on his phone of when the former was younger (at twenty years old). He swiped until he found one with George. "And this was me and your Dada!"

"D'dy n' Dada!" Oliver pointed. "Pretty." 

"Dada was very pretty, right? He still isn't a cat yet!" Dream said. "But Dada's still pretty now, right?"

Just then, George came out. Oliver squinted at him, then at the smiling, nearly-twenty George on Dream's phone screen. "Pretty!"

"Aww, Oli, thanks," George smiled, then adding on, "But Daddy is also pretty, right?"

Oliver nodded vigorously.

"C'mon, let's help Dada with whatever he's doing," Dream said, then hoisted Oliver up onto his shoulders. Oliver laughed, the chuckles coming out of his mouth loud and cheerful, and sounded like George's and Dream's laughs combined.

-five years old-

Quackity's Third Person POV 

"When is Oliver coming, Papa?" asked the little girl comfortably nestled at Quackity's legs, which dangled over the sofa.

"Uncle George says he's almost here," Quackity answered, affectionately smiling at his five-year-old daughter as she went back to her colourful kids' book.

After a while, the doorbell rang. "That'll be them," Quackity said, getting up to open the door.

Oliver burst through the barely-open door, looking for his friend. His eyes fell onto Tallulah, and he screamed, "Talla!"

"Oli!" Tallulah excitedly called back from halfway across the room, getting up from the carpeted floor and running to Oliver.

"I got a new coloring book! Do you wanna go colour?" Tallulah eagerly asked.

"Let's go!" Oliver responded, before the two children sped up the stairs to Tallulah's room. 

"Anyway," George said, sitting down next to Quackity on the sofa, "How have you been?"

-time skip by half an hour or so-

Someone screamed.

George and Quackity immediately went into parent-mode. George's pupils narrowed and a hiss made its way out of his throat, and Quackity's wings immediately fluffed up and involuntarily gave a small flap, trying to make him speed up. They scrambled all the way up the stairs, and Quackity flung open Tallulah's bedroom door.

Tallulah was sobbing, and Oliver was hovering near her, his face a flurry of panic and fear. A book was near the little girl, who was sat on the floor wailing, and Oliver quickly kicked it away with a glare before going back to Tallulah.

"What happened?" Quackity's voice was a deadly calm as he gathered his daughter in his arms tenderly, his wings covering the pair.

"A book hit her," Oliver whimpered, George holding him. "I didn't do anything, the book fell on her, I promise on- on my life."

Quackity looked up from where he was cradling his daughter, and realised the bookshelf that he installed was towering over their crouched figures. Following his gaze, George saw what the other father was looking at and quickly connected the pieces together.

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