Epilogue 4

105 5 14

-1 year, 1 month old-

"You're such a big boy already," George gushed as Oliver walked over to him. "My little sheep!"

Oliver laughed, his bright green eyes screwed up in an eye smile. His one-sided dimple added mirth to his face. George picked him up and rested the toddler on his knees.

"You're spoiling him," Dream said from beside George, his arm comfortably draped on the armrest of the sofa.

"Says you," George retorted, then turned back to Oliver. "You agree with Dada, don't you? Daddy is a liar, right, Oli?"


"See!" George said triumphantly to Dream. "He agrees with me! Don't you, my little sheep?"


And it seemed as the whole world had slowed down at that moment. Except Oliver.

"Sheep! Sheep, sheep!" Oliver babbled, his small hands reaching out towards George. "Sheep!"

"Say that again, Oliver," Dream urged softly. "Say it again."

"Sheep!" Oliver chirped.

George hadn't said a word the whole time. Dream looked at him in concern. "George, are you OK?"

A smile wove itself onto George's lips. "Maybe I shouldn't have called him my little sheep so much."

Titters burst out of his throat and George started laughing, tears falling down his face. "I thought his first word would be Dada or Daddy, but I guess I stopped that from happening."

George's hysterical tears stopped and he looked up, noticing Oliver gazing at him with a smile. "Sheep!" the toddler repeated.

"Yeah, sheep," George said with a gentle smile, booping Oliver on the nose with his finger. "My little sheep."

-1 year, 3 months old-

"Will he be fine?" Dream fussed worriedly as he and George approached Karl and Sapnap's home.

"Oli will be fine," George waved a hand. "He knows Karl and Sapnap, and I've everything Oliver needs in here." The man gently shook the bag in his hand.

"If you say so," Dream said, unsure, as he rang the doorbell, Oliver giggling in his other arm.

The door opened and Karl burst out from behind it, his wings spread out. "George!" Karl tackled George, and they both nearly fell down.

Karl regained his balance, his eyes dilated and his wings fluffy and puffed up. "Where's Oliver?"

"He's been acting like that since this morning," Sapnap groaned. 

"Hello, Dream! Oliver, hi!" Karl bounded over to Dream, spotting the excited toddler in his arms and snatching him up. 

"Hi," Dream said with lesser enthusiasm. 

"Hello there, Oliver!" Karl cooed at the toddler, the man's wings wrapping around them both. "I heard from your Dada that you said something the other day. What did you say?"

"Sheep!" Oliver said, his eyes wide and blinking adorably at Karl.

Karl paused and turned to George. "He just spoke."

"He did," George nodded solemnly.

"You just spoke!" Karl squealed, making Oliver more excited. "I'm so proud of you!"

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