19th November

350 16 23

George's POV

My eyes flew open as I remembered what day it was today. My birthday! It was 19th November!

What time was it? I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and frantically turned it on. 8:21 a.m.. I was born in the afternoon at 2:58.34. Around 6 more hours.

I brushed my teeth and changed into a t-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans. When I went to the living room, Wilbur and Quackity were already in the kitchen.

"What the fuck?" Quackity's voice echoed from the kitchen. "No, don't add that! That's salt, not sugar, you idiot!"

"I wear glasses!" Wilbur retorted. "Of course I can't see that well!"

"But the whole point of glasses is- ughhhhhh, you are so annoying!" Quackity groaned. "You know what, let's just finish this before George wakes up."

"Don't badmouth me," I leaned against the doorway between the kitchen and living room. "Or else if I die due to whatever you guys are doing, I'll haunt you both."

Wilbur whirled around. "Quackity, you should've done things faster. See, George is awake now!"

Quackity looked at him incredulously. "Me? You-"

"Shut up, you two. It's my birthday. And aren't you guys forgetting something?" I looked at them both expectantly.


"Stupid, we forgot to wish him happy birthday like he's still a child," Wilbur smacked Quackity's head.

"Oh. Happy birthday, Gogy," Quackity laughed. "Happy birthday, you childish idiot," Wilbur said. "OK, George, come here and help me and Big Q make pancakes."

"It's my birthday!" I protested. "It's not really your birthday until you're born. You were born in the afternoon, right? So get over here and stop acting like a prince," Wilbur grinned.

I laughed and walked over to help make the pancakes. "When did you guys wake up?"

"Around seven thirty. Then Big Q heard me and offered to help. More like to slow me down," Wilbur jerked his head in Quackity's direction while mixing the pancake batter.

"Asshole," Quackity bit back.



"My bitch." Wilbur smirked.

"You motherf-"

An hour later, we were cleaning up the kitchen. I managed to stop Quackity from murdering Wilbur and we finished up the pancakes. At around 9:45, everyone was awake.

We all ate the pancakes and had to stop Quackity from stabbing Wilbur again because the latter made another flirtatious comment. Kinda funny, considering Quackity has a crush on Wilbur.

We spent the whole afternoon playing Minecraft. Or rather, me, Dream and Sapnap competed to see who could complete the game the fastest, while the rest took sides. We all won a round each then proceeded to light each other on fire for the next 30 minutes.

"COME HERE, GEORGE!" Sapnap shrieked as he ran towards me with flint and steel in his hand. "No!" I ran behind Dream and punched him forward. "Take the hit for me, Dream! Thanks!"


"GUYS, IT'S 2:34 IN THE AFTERNOON!" Tubbo yelled, alerting everyone.


Minutes later, we were in the living room and scrolling through our phones to pass the time until 2:58.

"It's 2:57 now," Tommy said cheerfully. "Gogy, stand up and face us. Don't wanna miss anything if you turn into a half-animal."

My hands shook as I stood up. "I'm freaking terrified."

"You're gonna be fine, man. Just chill," Wilbur called.

With everyone's eyes on me, the time turned to 2:58.34.

Author's Note: next chapter we gonna get down to business

ive got nothing to say today surprisingly


see you guys next chapta and stay safee :D


Word Count: 553

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