Tubbo's POV
"Bye, chat!" I waved to my camera with a grin and Tommy by my side. "See you guys tomorrow!"
I shut down my stream and turned around to face Tommy, who grinned at me. "Excited about your birthday tomorrow?"
"I'm so excited!" I said, balling my hands into fists and pumping my arms up and down in anticipation. "Like, I want to be so many animals but I also want to be other and I don't know if I'll be happy or disappointed-"
"Don't worry about it," Tommy shushed me, resting a hand on my arm. "I'll be with you tomorrow."
I'm not going to mention my birthday because I think you know how it goes.
"Don't mope, Tubbo," Tommy said gently, rubbing my back as I curled up. "Not being a half-animal isn't the end of the world."
"But I was looking forward to it so much..." I groaned miserably.
"C'mon, get up, bee boy," Tommy grinned. "I'll get you off streaming today so you can take a break, then we can go to that café you've always wanted to go to."
I perked up. "Really?"
"Really." Tommy smiled wider.
"Then let's go!" I said happily, tugging Tommy out of my house.
"Tubs, your door!" Tommy exclaimed. "Lock it!"
"Oops," I sheepishly shrugged, locking my door.
Tommy's POV
"Let's go, Tommy!" Tubbo skipped down the street, me patiently trailing behind.
"Slow down!" I called.
"You're just too slow!" Tubbo yelled back, and reduced to a walk for a moment so I could catch up. Then he locked his fingers in mine and dragged me forward. "I'm just gonna pull you along!" he laughed.
[a/n: i HATE writing a/ns in the middle of chapters but i just need to clarify that this is platonic :D anddd i was also in the mood for some clingy duo]
I stumbled along behind Tubbo, pushing past the busy crowd on the streets. If it weren't for our hands clasped together, we would've lost each other by now.
"Tubbo, where are you going?" I yelled.
"I'm not sure!" Tubbo shouted back. "I forgot where was the café!"
"Then why are you leading?" I sped up and led us instead, switching directions. "I'll bring us there!"
Turns out, Tubbo had been making us run in the wrong direction the whole time.
We reached the café a few minutes later and I swung the door open. The bells on the door chimed, a light tinkling sound that alerted a waitress.
"Welcome to our café!" the waitress greeted, menus tucked under her right arm. I noticed that arm had colourful scales scattered all the way from the bottom of her shoulder until her fingertips. "Please come this way!"
Tubbo and I followed the waitress to a table for two and were given menus. Tubbo was practically glowing with excitement because he finally could try out the food here. He'd wanted to come here for a long time, but couldn't find the time to do so.
The door opened again and multiple footsteps walked in. I briefly looked up from my menu to see another waiter attempting to seat them, but they ignored him and walked over to us.
I eyed the person closest to me. He had blonde hair and grey eyes. Some sort of confidence hung off him. He was most likely the leader of the group.
The second person had black hair and eyes a shade darker. He sported a turquoise shirt and baggy pants.
The last was a brunette boy with timid, hazel eyes. He was obviously being dragged along against his will. My heart filled with sympathy for him and our eyes met for a brief second.
The leader spoke. "Can you guys like, stay off of each other?"
"Stay off each other?" I questioned, knowing where this was going. This had happened multiple times before.
Tubbo's hand immediately twitched under my own on the table and tried to pull away, but I pressed down, keeping him from moving away.
"Yeah. Unless you're stupid alongside being gay?" the raven-haired boy rolled his eyes.
The timid boy started speaking. "Guys, I-"
"Shut up, Jayden," the leader snapped at him, then turned to us. "We saw you both holding hands all the way to this café, so I decided to follow you to tell you to get off of each other. It's disgusting."
"First off," I started, "We can hold hands if we want, and second, why the fuck did you follow us? That's just weird."
"If two boys hold hands, then they're gay," the leader said as if it was obvious. "No one wants to see two faggots running around holding hands."
Tubbo visibly stiffened, and the leader turned to him with a grin. "Oh, I guessed right, didn't I? I bet you check out every single dude around you everyday. I wouldn't be surpri-"
"Stop talking about my best friend like that," I snarled, standing up. The café had gone silent, watching us.
"I'll talk about him all I want. He's a fag-"
"Charles, stop!" the timid boy, Jayden, spoke up.
"Who let you speak?" Charles gave Jayden a shove.
A waitress walked up. "Sirs, I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to leave. Homophobia is not tolerated in this café."
"What? How can you let them-" the boy with black hair said indignantly.
"You and the blond can leave now. The brunette can stay," the waitress corrected. "I saw him try to stop you both. Now, please leave."
After a glare, they both stomped out, muttering swears.
Jayden slumped. "I'm so sorry about them, guys," he apologized profusely.
"No, it wasn't your fault," Tubbo smiled.
The brunette left and sat somewhere else after giving us a smile. "I'm sorry, Tubs," I muttered. "This was supposed to be a happy day."
"It still is, though." Tubbo grinned at me. "After this, we can get ready for Christmas. I can't wait!"
"Don't expect a present from me," I said playfully.
"Never did. Child."
"I'm not a child!" I protested. "Aren't you also a child- oh."
"Yeah!" Tubbo cackled. "I'm an adult now! And you're still a little boy, only nineteen years old!" He smirked at me.
"Don't worry, I'll be twenty too next year! There are only a few months to go," I said. "Then we'll be the same age again."
"Can't wait," Tubbo said, rolling his eyes, but a smile was formed on his lips.
"Now, let's order, and after we eat, we're gonna go to the beach and I'm going to push you into the water."
"Looking forward to that."
Author's Note: oops no protective dream :( very soon tho
i loveeee clingy duo like their friendship is sooooo sweet :D
also i swear i saw a boy i rejected years ago staring at me today like i swear if he has any more ideas im going to punch him in his damn face
anyway- how is your day today? i hope its good <3
this chapter was just to give you guys someone to hate so you guys would be nicer to the ppl irl :]
idk if that works it did for me-stay safe and see you guys next chapter :]
Word Count: 1144

Purr For Me (DNF)
FanfictionEveryone is born with DNA that turns them into a half-animal that describes their personality or suits their looks best. Once a child is born, a chip is installed into them to block that DNA. But the moment you turn 20, that chip has a chance of spo...