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Male lead : Santhosh

Female lead : Adithi

Male lead's friend : Pradeep

Female lead's friend : Kayal

Santhosh lost his hope in life and only living like a body without soul. He went through hardships in his life that even he don't wish that would happened to his worst enemy. He is a founder of APC construction company. He portrayed himself as an arrogant person to the world so that he could mask his real personality to the world. After the devastating incident in his life, he loss the faith in GOD. Read to know what will happen if he suddenly receives love and care from a very random girl who came into his life all of sudden.

Adithi is an angelic character. She loves her family to the core. Her parents and her only little brother meant the world to her. She came Chennai from Trichy after a life incident took over. She is a very loving girl and makes everyone happy around her!! What will happen if Adithi came into Santhosh's life? He hate if someone is being caring for him but she is the epitome of caring person could be!!

Pradeep was living his life with an unhealed insecurity. He lost trust in himself and silently hating himself!! Find out what will happen if he met a girl who is outspoken and bring him out of his insecurity?

Kayal is very strong girl that always wear a smile on her face by hiding the war she going through all alone. Her heart unknowingly aching only for a shoulder to cry on!! All these while, only her pillow knows her tears. What will happened if suddenly Pradeep came to into her life and lift half of her burden onto his shoulder?

Other characters will be introduced along in the story!!

Hope you all will love the story!!

Do forgive me if there is any errors and flaws, its just written out from love only!!
Do share your views and comments!! Will love to read your thoughts about this story!!

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