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During the weekend, Adithi went to Kayal's house. She spent time with Kayal's family. Since, it was some auspicious day, Adithi and Kayal decide to go temple together!!

Adithi wore a half saree and half tie her hair letting the other half flowing down on her shoulders!! Kajal and pottu complete her whole look. She doesn't need any other extra makeup!!
Both of them reached the temple and were praying.

From nowhere suddenly,

"Adithi" someone patted her shoulder!!

She turned only to find Pradeep was standing there!!

Adithi : anneyy!!

Her eyes moved and look at the person next to him. There he stood with his stoned face expressionless!!

Adithi : heloo Sir!!

He nodded his head!!

Santhosh : Hi!!

Adithi introduced Kayal to Pradeep!! Then, they continued praying!! After awhile, Pradeep realise that he left his phone in the car. He went to take it. 

A group of boys came and stood behind Adithi. She was busy praying and didn't realise who were standing behind her.

Boy 1 : deiii!! Anga paaru!! He whispered to another friend of him pointing Adithi. Since, she wore half saree side of her waist was exposed.

His friend winked at him and took a step forward and hit her back!! She didn't realise it and took a step forward. Since, it's crowded, she couldn't move that much.
He smirked at his friend and try to grab her waist. Immediately, Santhosh came in between and punched his face off!! Everyone were so shock and all started to move!! Adithi and Kayal looked at each other and they were shocked as well.

Santhosh : ippo kai vei da paakuren!!

Boy 1 and 2 : sorryyyy!! Sorryyy!! They got up and ran away for their life from the temple!!!

Santhosh grabbed Adithi's hand and pulled her aside!!

Santhosh : unne sutti enna nadakuthunu paaka maatiya!!! He asked harshly!!

Adithi looked at him cluelessly!! He pulled her near and adjust her half saree to cover her waist!! He was just looking into her eyes!! When his fingers touched her skin she shivered and held his rough hand!! He moved from her!! She adjust her half saree!! He just walked away from there!!

The prayers continues. Santhosh stood away from her!! Time to time both of them looked at each other. Pradeep joined Santhosh. After the prayers, Adithi and Kayal went to have the temple food. They sat on the side of the temple!! Adithi saw Santhosh and Pradeep in the que. Pradeep waved at her and walked to sit with them. Pradeep sat opposite of Kayal. There were no space beside him.

Pradeep : deii, nee Adithi paakuthula okkaru!!

Santhosh looked at him and Adithi!! Adithi moved abit giving him some space!! Santhosh sat beside her!! Only Pradeep and Kayal were talking. Adithi and Santhosh were so quite!! Adithi slowly turned to him.

Adithi : Sir!! She call him softly!!

Santhosh looked at her!!

Adithi : Thank you Sir!! She whispered softly!!

He nodded his head!!

Santhosh : nee epdi veetuku pora??

Adithi : with Kayal

Santhosh : in car?

Adithi : we came by walking to the temple!! Her house is just 10 minutes away, sir!!

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