E p i l o g u e

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From Hermione Granger, now Odinson's, perspective, the first year of ruling over Asgard was a whirlwind of excitement, amazement, and satisfaction. As she watched Loki navigate the complexities of ruling with his newfound authority, she saw him in a new light. His passion for diplomacy, his intelligence, and his magic all shone through with a newfound confidence that Hermione had not seen in him before.

Working alongside him as his Queen, Hermione was filled with pride and awe at his leadership abilities. The way he listened to his people and took their concerns to heart, and the way he delicately balanced the complexities of Asgard's politics and alliances, was remarkable.

The year passed quickly and was filled with countless memorable moments, from diplomatic meetings to grand feasts and everything in between. When Hermione looked back on that first year, however, her fondest memories were of her and Loki ruling together, united in purpose and vision. Through their love, their magic, and their dedication to their people and each other, they had created a kingdom that was truly remarkable.

Furthermore, the news that they were expecting a child only added to Hermione's happiness. She knew deep down that motherhood was something she had always wanted, but had never dared to dream about given the circumstances that surrounded her in her own world. Now, with Loki and Asgard, Hermione's dream seemed within reach. 

As she prepared for motherhood, Hermione took great care to ensure that every detail was perfect. The courtiers hummed with activity, preparing for the new Prince or Princess' arrival, and Hermione relished in every moment of it. Hermione had been completely taken off guard by the news of the pregnancy, however. The thought of children had never truly crossed her mind, especially after the war. If there had been even the slightest possibility of another war on the horizon, or even her becoming a Queen, she hadn't wanted to put children through that. To bring children into the world where they might have to go through the same horrors that she and her friends and family had, was too cruel and selfish of her to even consider. But her whole mind had changed on the matter as soon as the mediwitch had spoken those words. 

Those fateful words that changed her whole world. She was with child. Not just any child either, but Loki's child. A beautiful girl or boy to take after them, their magic, and their talents. Their eyes and their hair, and not to mention the weight of their newfound royalty.

Hermione had immediately been taken with the idea of their children and Loki couldn't have been more thrilled. Loki's reaction had certainly been a surprise as well. He was ecstatic at the news and had never stopped smiling.

As Loki had began his first year of ruling over Asgard, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and responsibility rushing through him. With Hermione by his side as his Queen, he knew that they were fully equipped to handle anything and everything that came their way.

They worked together to lead Asgard with wisdom and fairness, bringing about an era of peace and prosperity. Loki's rule was just and benevolent, and he listened to the needs of his people, making sure everyone's voice was heard.

With Hermione at his side, Loki's confidence grew significantly. Her intelligence and quick wit made her an invaluable asset to his leadership. Together, they tackled each obstacle with grace and dignity, whether it was a natural disaster, a diplomatic challenge, or a conflict on the battlefield.  

Their love for each other and their people was evident in every decision they made, and it wasn't long before their reputation spread throughout all the Nine Realms. The couple's beautiful and powerful magic was an inspiration to many, and their subjects adored them.

Despite their busy schedule of ruling Asgard and preparing for the arrival of their child, Loki and Hermione made it a priority to keep the magic of their bond alive. Late at night, when the halls of the palace were quiet, they still found time to get up to some mischief.

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now