E i g h t e e n

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Hermione and Loki relaxed in the bathtub after her "punishment", sitting between his legs with her luscious back against his muscular front. His arms were wrapped around her shoulders as he rubbed a strawberry scented oil into her chest. His diligent, lithe fingers massaged her breasts perfectly and a sigh of tranquility left her lips. Her head fell back against his shoulder, reaching up to weave her fingers into his long, dark locks. He chuckled into her ear.

"Feels good, does it?"


He chuckled again and leaned his head down and forward slightly so she could play with his hair easier. She twisted and curled her fingers around his black waves, and he lowered his massaging hands to her stomach. They stayed like that for what felt like hours but was only forty-five minutes or so and the feast and ball was approaching. She wandlessly and silently cast a time charm in the air and cursed under her breath.

"Loki, we have to start getting ready now..." She pouted at the end slightly and threaded her fingers through his, hugging his arms that were now wrapped around her waist.

"You don't seem too pleased with that notion, firebird..." He mumbled into her ear before he began tugging her up gently. As he stood with her, he turned and bent over to remove the plug and drain the water. Hermione took the opportunity to admire his nude and pale masculine body and playfully slapped him on the ass.

A small laugh escaped him and he shook his head at her attempt to distract him from leaving her to get ready for the festivities. "Nice try, darling, but I do have to be there to set up..." He kissed her forehead gently as a white towel shimmered, appearing around his hips. "I'll see you tonight, looking as stunning as usual." He left her standing there, wrapping a towel around herself with a blush gracing her features and love filling her gaze.


Hermione took a deep breath as she stood before the large golden doors to the Palace dining hall. She nervously smoothed out her dress and then pushed the doors open. The doors swung open to reveal a busy and beautifully decorated gathering. 

The Asgardian dining hall is a sight to behold, with its grandeur and elegance. The hall is decorated with luxurious tapestries and intricate carvings on the walls. The floors are made of polished marble, and the chandeliers that hang from the gold-plated ceilings cast a warm and welcoming glow throughout the room. 

At the center of the room, the long banquet tables are adorned with sparkling silverware, crystal glasses, and ornate china plates. The food is presented in exquisite dishes, with colorful and exotic fruits heaped in intricate arrangements. 

The people themselves are also a sight to behold. They wear elaborate and ornate dresses, tunics, and armor, with intricate embroidery and metals that glimmer in the light. Each person exudes an air of nobility and charm, their regal presence befitting the grandeur of the dining hall. 

Overall, the Asgardian dining hall was a breathtaking sight, a testament to their artistic and cultural achievements.

Several tables were set up in the center of the room to form one long dining table, with some smaller tables spotted around the central one. People filled the room with The Warrior's Three, Lady Sif, Thor, Loki, and Odin at the top end of the center table: all exuding nobility and power, their regal presence impossible to ignore.

The Warrior's Three, made up of Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun, were tall, muscular, and imposing figures. Volstagg was portly and jovial, with a bushy red beard and sparkling eyes. Fandral was handsome and charismatic, with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Hogun was stoic and reserved, with a shaved head and striking features. As Hermione entered, their voices were booming with laughter and camaraderie. Volstagg was in the midst of telling a story, gesturing wildly to emphasize his points. Fandral was listening intently, occasionally interjecting with a witty remark. Hogun, the stoic member of the group, was quietly smiling and nodding along. 

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now